The Black Aeroplane: Summary

The Black aeroplane is story surrounding a mysterious black aeroplane that had no lights but it guided the author land safely. The question remains as how can an aeroplane be out of sight and found nowhere when another aeroplane behind it followed it to land safely. The aeroplane in question should also be there on the runaway but it was not there. The radar also did not see any such plane. Read the summary below.

Author flies his Dakota aeroplane to England

The story begins with the author flying Dakota aeroplane at 1 o’clock at night. The moon was coming up in the reason behind him. The stars were shining in the clear skies above him. He was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France back to England. He was looking forward to being with his family at the breakfast table.

Author’s Call for Paris control

The author decided to call Paris control. He informed that he was on his way back to England. Paris control duly acknowledged. It advised him to turn 12° west.

Author gets stuck in storm clouds

He turned to the direction 12° west. Everything was going well. Then he saw the storm clouds. They looked like Black Mountains in front of him. He knew he could not fly up and over them. He didn’t know for a movement wanted to.

Author takes the risk

He thought of going back to Paris but he also wanted to get home before morning breakfast. So, he decided to take the risk and few into the storm. He could see nothing outside his aeroplane. Everything was dark and black. The old aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air. He looked at the compass. It was gone. He tried to contact Paris control. But we couldn’t contact it too. He was lost in the storm.

Help from a black aeroplane

Then in the black clouds he saw another aeroplane. It had no lights on its wings. He could see flying next to him in the storm. He was glad to see another person. He was saying to follow him. The author thought he was trying to help him. So, he followed. He flew for half an hour. He had fuel only to last for five or ten minutes.  . He began to feel frightened. Then it started to go down.

Safe landing

Suddenly he saw that he was on the runway. He looked for his friend in the black aeroplane to thank him but it was nowhere in the sight as the sky was empty. He went into the control tower. He asked a woman when he was. She looked at him strangely and then she laughed and told that they had not seen any plane except his, on the radar.

Author’s great surprise about the black aeroplane

The author was wonderstruck to hear it. He wondered who had helped him to idea. He was without a compass for a review and was running short of fuel also in such conditions who was the pilot on the screen black aeroplane without lights helping him land safely.  The mystery remains unresolved.

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