‘The Proposal’ Class 10 English MCQs with Answers

‘The Proposal’ Class 10 MCQs with Answers: The MCQs are based on the play ”The Proposal” in the NCERT class 10 Textbook ‘First Flight’. Every set of MCQs is followed by its answers. So, enjoy free MCQs resources and prepare for your CBSE Board exams.

‘The Proposal’ MCQs

i. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

“Brr… It’s cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking, well-educated. What more do I want? But I’m getting a noise in my ears from excitement. And it’s impossible for me not to marry. In the first place, I’m already 35 — a critical age, so to speak. In the second place, I ought to lead a quiet and regular life. I suffer from palpitations, I’m excitable and always getting awfully upset; at this very moment my lips are trembling, and there’s a twitch in my right eyebrow. But the very worst of all is the way I sleep. I no sooner get into bed and begin to go off, when suddenly something in my left side gives a pull, and I can feel it in my shoulder and head… I jump up like a lunatic, walk about a bit and lie down again, but as soon as I begin to get off to sleep there’s another pull! And this may happen twenty times…
[Natalya Stepanovna comes in.]”

1. What reasons did Lomov give for marrying Natalya?

  • A. She was an excellent housekeeper.
  • B. She was extremely beautiful.
  • C. She was a good cook.
  • D. She was well-educated.

2. What is the meaning of the word ‘excitable’?

  • A. Easily upset
  • B. Impatient
  • C. Hysterical
  • D. Hasty

3. What is the worst problem that Lomov is suffering from?

  • A. High fever
  • B. Palpitations
  • C. Weak heart
  • D. Lack of sleep

4. Which two of these statements are true about Lomov’s nature?

  • A. He is a jolly-natured person.
  • B. He is a very practical person.
  • C. He has a good sense of humour.
  • D. He gets upset quite easily.

5. What is the meaning of the word ‘critical’ in context with the passage?

  • A. Dangerous
  • B. Crucial
  • C. Mature
  • D. Elementary


  1. A. She was an excellent housekeeper. D. She was well-educated. (Lomov knew that Natalya was well-educated. This, combined with her other qualities made her a suitable candidate for marriage. )
  2. B. Easily upset  (Here, the word ‘excitable’ means being easily upset at something. So, it is the correct meaning.) 
  3. D. Lack of sleep (The worst problem with Lomov is that he cannot sleep well. He gets a pull in his muscles every time he tries to sleep.)
  4. B. He is a very practical person. D. He gets upset quite easily. (Lomov gives very practical reasons for marrying Natalya. It’s not like he is in love with her. He wants to marry her because she will prove to be a good wife. Lomov says that he has certain health issues. These issues upset him very easily. )
  5. C. Mature (The word ‘critical’ is used to describe Lomov’s age. Lomov believes he is mature and old enough to get married. )

II. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

“CHUBUKOV: Yes really, what sort of a hunter are you, anyway? You ought to sit at home with your palpitations, and not go tracking animals. You could go hunting, but you only go to argue with people and interfere with their dogs and so on. Let’s change the subject in case I lose my temper.

LOMOV: And are you a hunter? You only go hunting to get in with the Count and to intrigue. Oh, my heart! You’re an intriguer!

CHUBUKOV: Shut up or I’ll shoot you like a partridge! You fool!

LOMOV: There, there, there… my heart’s burst! My shoulders come off! Where is my shoulder? I die. [Falls into an armchair] A doctor!

NATALYA: What sort of a hunter are you? You can’t even sit on a horse! [To her father] Papa, what’s the matter with him? Papa! Look, Papa! [screams] Ivan Vassilevitch! He’s dead!

CHUBUKOV: I’m sick! I can’t breathe! Air!”

1. Why did Chubukov make a suggestion to change the subject?

  • A. Lomov wouldn’t be able to breathe.
  • B. Lomov would fall ill.
  • C. He would feel dizzy.
  • D. He would get angry.

2. What would Lomov do, in Chubukov’s opinion, if he went hunting?

  • A. He would become an intriguer.
  • B. He would take care of the dogs.
  • C. He would argue with people.
  • D. He would shoot partridges.

3. Find a word from the extract which is a synonym for ‘tracking’.

  • A. Hunting
  • B. Subject
  • C. Change
  • D. Palpitations

4. How did Lomov respond to Chubukov’s statement that Lomov should not go hunting animals?

  • A. Lomov called Chubukov an intriguer.
  • B. Lomov believed Chubukov only hunted to conspire with the Count.
  • C. Lomov accused Chubukov of stealing his land.
  • D. Lomov thought that Chubukov did not know anything about hunting and dogs.

5. Whom does Lomov call for as he collapses?

  • A. Chubukov
  • B. A doctor
  • C. His lawyer
  • D. Natalya


  1. D. He would get angry.
  2. C. He would argue with people.
  3. A. Hunting
  4. A. Lomov called Chubukov an intriguer. (After hearing Chubukov’s insults, Lomov retorted by saying that Chubukov only hunted to be in the Count’s good graces and conspire with him against others. Then, he called Chubukov an intriguer that is one who schemed against others.)
  5. B. A doctor (Lomov calls for a doctor as he falls into the armchair.)

III. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

NATALYA: Really, you won’t get me to believe that!

LOMOV: But you can see from the documents, honoured Natalya Stepanovna. Oxen Meadows, it’s true, were once the subject of dispute, but now everybody knows that they are mine. There’s nothing to argue about. You see my aunt’s grandmother gave the free use of these Meadows in perpetuity to the peasants of your father’s grandfather, in return for which they were to make bricks for her. The peasants belonging to your father’s grandfather had the free use of the Meadows for forty years, and had got into the habit of regarding them as their own, when it happened that…

NATALYA: No, it isn’t at all like that! Both grandfather and great grandfather reckoned that their land extended to Burnt Marsh — which means that Oxen Meadows were ours. I don’t see what there is to argue about. It’s simply silly!”Select the correct answer

1. Why did Natalya believe Oxen Meadows was hers?

  • A. Lomov’s grandmother had sold the land to her great-grandfather.
  • B. Natalya’s great-grandfather had annexed the land from Lomov’s grandmother.
  • C. Both her grandfather and great-grandfather believed that their property included the Oxen Meadows.
  • D. Lomov’s grandmother had conceded the land to Natalya’s great-grandfather on the court’s orders.

2. What reason did Lomov give for Natalya’s misunderstanding?

  • A. Natalya did not know the boundaries of her estate.
  • B. His grandmother had given Oxen Meadows to her great-grandfather’s peasants only temporarily.
  • C. Her great-grandfather imparted the wrong information to Natalya.
  • D. Her great-grandfather had made a mistake while charting the borders of his land.

3. Which of these words is a synonym for the word ‘perpetuity’?

  • A. Failure
  • B. Continuity
  • C. Ignorance
  • D. Resistance

4. Which of these words can be used to describe Natalya?

  • A. Generous
  • B. Adamant
  • C. Agreeable
  • D. Submissive

5. Which of these statements is true about the relationship between Natalya and Lomov?

  • A. They were strangers who had just met.
  • B. They had gone to the same school.
  • C. They have been neighbours for generations.
  • D. They were childhood lovers.


  1. C. Both her grandfather and great-grandfather believed that their property included the Oxen Meadows. (Natalya’s assumption came from the fact that both her grandfather and great-grandfather believed that their property extended to the Marshes which included the Oxen Meadows.)
  2. B. His grandmother had given Oxen Meadows to her great-grandfather’s peasants only temporarily. (Lomov’s grandmother had only temporarily allowed the peasants from Chubukov’s estate to settle in Oxen Meadows in exchange for laying bricks for her. These peasants then settled there permanently.)
  3. B. Continuity
  4. B. Adamant (Natalya just wouldn’t barge or agree with Lomov. She was quite stubborn and stuck to her point. At times, she was also rude.)
  5. C. They have been neighbours for generations. (The passage states clearly that the Lomovs and the Chubukovs had been friendly neighbours at least since Natalya’s great grandfather’s times. This shows that they had been neighbours for centuries.)

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