Class 10 English Poem ‘For Anne Gregory’ Multiple Choice Questions’ (MCQs) with answers and notes are given here. The poem is very beautiful and touches our heart provoking our dormant-instinct-for-a-true-beauty which many or most fail to recognise.
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MCQs – CBSE Question Bank 2020-21
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions/ complete the sentences that follow:
“I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.”
i. ‘yesternight’ is a word made of combination of two words to form a new word.
Hence, it is a compound word.
Choose the words that DO NOT fit the description.

- a. 3, 4
- b. 2, 6
- c. 3, 5
- d. 1, 4
ii. Choose the option that lists the person who correctly wrote a quote best representing the central idea of the given stanza. Choose the correct option out of the ones given below.

- a. Harpreet
- b. Manav
- c. Joel
- d. Nawaz
iii. The above stanza strongly defies the idea of ____________ .
- a. internal qualities
- b. external beauty
- c. spiritual self
- d. divinity
iv. Choose the option that displays the likely image of the man mentioned in the extract.

- a. option 1
- b. option 2
- c. option 3
- d. option 4
v. Choose the phrase that best represents, ‘love you for yourself alone”.
- a. Unconditional love
- b. Unseemly love
- c. Unrequited love
- d. Understated love
i. b
ii. c
iii. b
iv. c
v. a
B. Read the following extract and answer the questions/ complete the sentences that follow:
But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.
i. Given below are the taglines of four hypothetical brands. Choose the correct option that fits the best with the first three lines of the given stanza.

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)
ii. The form of the given stanza is a part of
a. an agreement.
b. a disapproval.
c. an engagement.
d. an argument
iii. Choose the option that describes a situation of ‘despair’ as mentioned in the extract.
a. Option (1)
b. Option (2)
c. Option (3)
d. Option (4)
(1) Worked very hard and got selected in the audition for the dance. competition. | (2) Worked very hard and was once again, for the 3rd time, unable to get selected in the audition for the dance competition. |
(3) Worked very hard for the dance competition audition. My best friend got selected but I didn’t. | (4) Worked very hard to get selected in the audition for the dance competition, but the auditions got |
iv. Read the statements 1 and 2 given below and choose the option that correctly assesses these statements.
1 – The speaker wants to change her hair colour so that it may appeal to young men.
2 – The speaker’s appearance due to her gorgeous yellow hair is largely the reason young men hope to get her attention.
a. 1 is false, 2 is true and clearly inferred from the poem.
b. 1 is true, 2 cannot be clearly inferred from the poem.
c. 1 cannot be clearly inferred from the poem, 2 is false.
d. 1 is true and can be inferred from the poem, 2 is false.
v. Choose the product that best shows what Anne would invest in, to ensure that young men love her for herself and not her hair.

a. Option (1)
b. Option (2)
c. Option (3)
d. Option (4)
i. c
ii. d
iii. b
iv. a
v. d
MCQs for Practice
I. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
“But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.”
1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
A. A religious man
B. The poet
C. A young man
D. A beautiful girl
2. What does the phrase ‘in despair’ mean?
A. in love
B. without voice
C. on trial
D. without hope
3. What quality of Anne Gregory is reflected in this stanza?
A. Enthusiasm
B. Assurance
C. Cynicism
D. Idealism
4. What is the meaning of the line ‘may love me for myself alone; And not my yellow hair’?
A. She hopes a young man will love her for her honey-coloured hair.
B. She hopes a young man finds her hair ugly.
C. She hopes a young man will love her for herself.
D. She hopes that people will leave her alone.
5. What does Anne Gregory plan to do to find true love?
A. Dye her hair
B. Cover herself
C. Pretend to be poor
D. Disguise her face
Answers with notes:
1. D. A beautiful girl
Anne Gregory, who is described as a beautiful girl with yellow tresses, is saying these lines.
2. A. in love
The phrase refers to the young men who have fallen in love with Anne Gregory hopelessly, after being enchanted by her hair.
3. D. Idealism
Idealism means pursuit of perfection or noble principles. Anne Gregory is idealistic in her beliefs. She believes that ultimately the world will go for inner beauty rather than outward beauty.
4. C. She hopes a young man will love her for herself.
Anne Gregory hopes that by dyeing her hair brown, black or carrot, a man will fall in love with her inner beauty and personality rather than her looks.
5. A. Dye her hair
Anne Gregory is plans to dye her hair black, brown or carrot so that young men may fall in love with her inner beauty instead of her yellow hair.
II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
“Never shall a young man,
Thrown into despair
By those great honey-coloured
Ramparts at your ear,
Love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.”
1. Which phrase is an example of alliteration in the poem?
A. ‘thrown into despair’
B. ‘a young man’
C. ‘your yellow hair’
D. ‘for yourself alone’
2. Choose, from the options, a literary device used in this stanza.
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Assonance
3. Which figure of speech is used in the phrase ‘honey-coloured’?
A. Metaphor
B. Hyperbole
C. Simile
D. Personification
4. What is the synonym of ‘rampart’?
A. Wall
B. Building
C. Ear
D. Castle
5. What do the words ‘love you for yourself alone’ mean?
A. Love a person for their yellow hair
B. Love a person for their outer beauty
C. Love a person desperately
D. Love a person for their inner beauty
Answers with notes:
1. C. ‘your yellow hair’
Alliteration is a literary device where the initial consonants of the words sound similar. So, this phrase is an example of alliteration.
2. A. Metaphor
In this stanza, the poet has used the word ‘ramparts’ as a metaphor to compare the hair of Anne Gregory to the walls of a fort.
3. A. Metaphor
Anne’s golden hair are indirectly compared to the colour of honey.
4. A. Wall
A rampart is a wall build around a fort to make its defences stronger.
5. D. Love a person for their inner beauty
The extract is addressed to someone who is very attractive. The speaker states that young men should love her for her inner beauty and not her attractive looks.
III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
“I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.”
1. What is the rhyme scheme for this stanza?
A. abcdef
B. abcdeb
C. abcbdb
D. ababcd
2. Who had found the text mentioned in the stanza?
A. A wise man
B. An old man
C. A priest
D. Anne Gregory
3. A written material is mentioned in the stanza. What does it contain?
A. A few lines of advice to young men who have fallen in love
B. Description of Anne Gregory’s beauty
C. Proof that only God loved us truly
D. A sermon denouncing outer beauty
4. Find two instances of alliteration in the stanza.
A. he had
B. Could love
C. yesternight declare
D. an old religious
5. How, according to the poet, is God’s love?
A. God dislikes those who are attracted to good looks.
B. God love is like human love.
C. God loves people who are beautiful.
D. God loves us, not our beauty.
Answers with notes:
1. C. abcbdb
The last words of the second, fourth- and sixth-lines rhyme with each other. The last words of the first, third and fifth lines do not rhyme with each other. Hence, the rhyme scheme for this stanza is abcbdb.
2. B. An old man
An old religious man showed a text to the poet.
3. C. Proof that only God loved us truly
The text contained proof that only God could love you for yourself and not your appearance.
4. A. he had
The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
5. D. God loves us, not our beauty.
God does not love people for their looks.
IV. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
“But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.”
1. Why did Anne Gregory want to change her hair colour?
A. To take people’s attention away from her looks
B. To disguise her appearance
C. To look younger
D. To look more beautiful
2. What do yellow hair represent in the poem?
A. Anne’s beauty
B. Anne’s nature
C. Anne’s inner beauty
D. Golden colour
3. Which literary device is used in these words ‘brown, or black, or carrot’?
A. Assonance
B. Repetition
C. Symbolism
D. Personification
4. The poem can be described as a ____________.
A. speech
B. sermon
C. monologue
D. dialogue
5. Anne Gregory casually states that she can dye her colour anytime she wants. What does this statement prove?
A. Anne Gregory wants to impress the person she is talking to.
B. Anne Gregory is not serious about her looks.
C. The young men have forced her to change her hair colour.
D. Outer beauty can be changed anytime.
Answers with notes:
1. A. To take people’s attention away from her looks
Anne Gregory wanted people to love her for her inner beauty and not her looks alone. Hence, she decided to change her hair colour.
2. A. Anne’s beauty
The poem mentions how Anne’s yellow hair attracts a lot of suitors. Thus, it is representative of her beauty.
3. B. Repetition
The word ‘or’ is repeated for phonetic effect.
4. D. dialogue
The poem is a conversation between an attractive woman and the poet. It is written in the form of a dialogue.
5. D. Outer beauty can be changed anytime.
When the poet points out to Anne Gregory that young men are falling for her beautiful yellow hair, she states that she would dye her hair. By stating this, she wants to prove that her looks can be changed anytime.
V. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
“But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.”
1. In the light of the extract, which of these social inequalities is highlighted through the poem?
A. Gender inequality
B. Caste system
C. Child marriage
D. Racial discrimination
2. What does Anne Gregory wish young men love her for?
A. She has no knowledge of God.
B. She is a vain and proud woman.
C. She wants to be loved for her inner qualities.
D. She wants everyone to praise her for her beauty.
3. What title best suits this extract from the poem?
A. Love thyself
B. Love me for who I am
C. Love is divine
D. Love is blind
4. What does the word ‘carrot’ mean?
A. Colour
B. Vegetable
C. Feeling
D. Fruit
5. What is the theme of this extract?
A. Self-love
B. Despair
C. Love for others
D. True love
Answers with notes:
1. D. Racial discrimination
The poem shows how people judge others on the basis of their outer appearance. Racial discrimination is also based the outer appearance of people. So, this social inequality matches the theme of the extract.
2. C. She wants to be loved for her inner qualities.
Anne Gregory is ready to dye her hair in order to change her appearance and hide her beauty. This shows that she does not wish to be loved for her beauty. She wants to be loved for her good qualities
3. B. Love me for who I am
Anne Gregory wishes to change her beautiful hair colour so that young men can love her and not her beauty.
4. A. Colour
The word ‘carrot’ is used to show which colour Anne will dye her hair in. Hence, it refers to either red or orange colour.
5. D. True love
Anne Gregory seeks someone who loves her for her inner self and not for her beauty. So, the theme is ‘true love’.