Active and Passive Voice Practice Questions CBSE/ICSE English Grammar

Active and Passive Voice Practice exercises are given here for School Students to prepare for their exams. Students should attempt themselves before seeing the answers.

Active and Passive Voice Practise Exercises

Q. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice.

1. Ms Rawat teaches us grammar.

2. The teacher praised him.

3. The firemen took the injured to the hospital.

4. An earthquake destroyed the town.

5. My work pleased the teacher.


  1. We are taught grammar by Ms Rawat Or, Grammar is taught to us by Ms Rawat.
  2. He was praised by the teacher.
  3. The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen.
  4. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
  5. The teacher was pleased by my work.

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the correct passive forms of the verbs given in the brackets

1. Yesterday, the city (a) …………. (hit) by a thunderstorm. Many trees (b) ………. (uproot) and streets at several places (c) ………………. (flood), resulting in traffic jams.

a) was hit
b) were uprooted
c) were flooded

2. Last Monday, the Annual Function (a) ………………… (celebrate) in our school. Shri Abdul Kalam (b) ……………… (invite) as the Chief Guest. The prizes (c) ………………. (Given away) for the best performances of the year. The Chief Guest appreciated the arrangements of the event and the discipline among the students.

a) was celebrated
b) was invited
c) were given away

3. If a long journey (a) …………………. (give) a good start, it is half covered. Weariness of the traveller (b) …………… (defeat) by his enthusiasm and hope. He (c) ………………. (reward) with success.

a) is given
b) is defeated
c) is rewarded

4. Renu is feeling proud of her father because he (a) …………. (elect) as an MP. She does not know that unfair means (b) …………………… (use) in the election. He (c) ………………… (dislike) by the people for his wrong practices and impolite manners.

a) has been elected
b) were used
c) is disliked

5. When I arrived the dream country I (a) …………………. (take) straight to the palace. There I (b) ………………. (tell) that I was the Great King who (c) ………………. (expect) for many years. ‘All your commands’, they said, ‘(d) ……………. (Carry out) immediately. Your most extravagant wishes (e) ………………… (fulfil).’

a) was taken
b) was told
c) had been expected
d) will be carried out
e) will be fulfilled

6. Please cannot (a) …………………… (enjoy) without passing through pains. Spring (b) ………………. (relish) only by those whose bones (c) ………………………… (freeze) by an unbearably cold winter.

a) be enjoyed
b) is relished
c) have been frozen

7. Whenever I feel that I (a) ………. (leave) alone even by my shadow, my loneliness (b) ………………… (dispel) by the soothing presence of someone who is everything for me. At that moment, I (c) …………………. (compensate) heavily for all the losses, even that of my shadow.

a) have been left
b) is dispelled
c) am compensated

8. Yesterday, a UFO (a) ………………. (see) in the western sky over Delhi. People (b) ………………… (horrify) to see it and started running helter-skelter. It was reported to have remained suspended in the air for some time. Then it picked up speed and (c) ………………………. (lose) to view.

a) was seen
b) were horrified
c) was lost

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