Class 9 Political Science Chapter- Electoral Politics Extra Questions

Electoral Politics class 9 Extra Questions: Democracy insist on maximum participation of people in forming the government as well taking part in decision making process. It is through elections that governments are formed in a true democratic setup. Electoral politics relates to all those activities associated with the elections of different posts. Since several contesting candidates fight for the same seat, it leads to political competition.

Below are given several possible questions based on the chapter for class 9 civics ‘Electoral Politics’. Go through these questions to assess your preparation.

Electoral Politics Class 9 Extra Questions

Q.1. Why elections are necessary?

It is very difficult for a large community to sit together in the form of a ‘Direct Democracy’ to take all decisions. Even people may not have enough time to spare for such sittings or may not have knowledge of different issue or may not be interested to go in such meetings.

Therefore, representative democracy is the most visible form in the world of democracy. The representatives are chosen through elections.

Q.2. How elections help the voters?

Elections are essential tools in the hands of voters to make following choices

  • They chose law makers in the form MPs and MLAs.
  • They choose the party to form the government that would take major decisions
  • They can choose the party based on their programmes, policies and ideologies which would guide the government in the law making

Q.3. What are minimum conditions that need to be fulfilled for a democratic election?

  • Every citizen should have right to vote with every vote having equal value.
  • Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections and should offer some real choice to the voters.
  • Elections must be held regularly at regular intervals. In India this interval is of 5 years.
  • The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
  • Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they really wish.

Q.4. What are the demerits of political competition?

  • In an election the various parties and candidates contest for the same seats and it leads to competition among them to win the seats they are contesting for. The pressure of winning the seats makes it an unhealthy electoral competition.
  • The electoral competition and part-politics creates disunity and a sense of factionalism in every locality.
  • Political parties and leaders’ level allegations against one another.
  • Many a time dirty tricks and unfair means are adopted to win the elections.
  • The pressure of winning aims at short term gains and the goal of formulating a long-term policy is neglected.
  • The genuine people may not be willing to enter this arena unhealthy electoral competition.

Q.5. How are elections helpful for political parties and leaders?

  • Electoral competition provides incentives to political parties and leaders.
  • They can raise their popularity by raising common public issues and enhance their chances of victory.
  • They know that they would be voted out if they fail to satisfy voters.

Q.6. How general elections differ from by-elections?

General ElectionsBy-elections
1.Elections are held in all the constituencies at the same time, either on the same day or within a few days.Elections are held to fill the seats made vacant owing to resignation or death of any members.
2.Elections are held when the Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha stands dissolvedElections can be held anytime the election commission think appropriate.

Q.7. What are electoral constituencies?

For the purpose of elections, the country is divided into different areas called electoral constituencies. For example – four Lok Sabha elections, the country is divided into 543 constituencies.

Q.8. What is the difference between an MP and an MLA?

An MP (member of Parliament) is elected to Lok Sabha while and MLA (member of legislative assembly) is elected to the state legislative assemblies.

Q.9. What are reserved constituencies and why are the reserved?

  • The constituencies reserved for people belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes are covered reserved constituencies.
  • Constituencies are also reserved for women and OBC in local elections to panchayats and municipalities.

Reasons behind Reserved Constituencies

They are reserved to give representation to the certain weaker sections who may stand a good chance to win in an open electoral competition to the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Those who are resourceful and influential may prevent them from winning elections. If this happens then our Parliament and assemblies would be deprived of the voice of the significant sections of the population this would make a democracy less representative and less democratic.

Q.10. What is an Electoral Roll and how it is prepared to?

  • Electoral roll or voters list is prepared by the election commission of India for Lok Sabha and assembly polls.
  • It contains the particulars of the eligible voters like name, father’s name and age etc.
  • In India universal adult franchise is applicable and all the citizens aged 18 years and above can vote in an election.
  • It is the responsibility of the government to get the names of all the eligible voters put on the voters list.
  • A complete revision of the list takes place every five years. new names are added and the names of voters who are dead or moved out of place or deleted.
  • EPIC (election photo identity card) is provided to those whose name appears in the voters list.
  • For the past few years, the election is conducted through EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines)

Q.11. What do you know about voter ID card (EPIC)?

  • Voter ID card is issued by the election commission of India as an identity of the voter.
  • The voters are required to carry their guard when they go out to cast their vote so that no one else can vote in their place.
  • The card is not it compulsory as other identity proofs can also be used like driving license or passport etc.

Q.12. How the nomination of candidates contesting elections takes place?

Anyone who can be a voter can also become a candidate in elections. The candidate can contest election on party ticket using the party symbol as well as an independent candidate.

  • Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a ‘nomination form’.
  • A contestant has also to give money as ‘security deposit’
  • Every candidate has to make a legal declaration giving full details of
    • Serious criminal cases pending against the candidate.
    • Details of the certain liabilities of the candidate and his or her family.
    • Education qualifications of the candidate
  • The information has to be made public so that it helps with the voters know about the candidates and decide their voting preference.

Q.13. What are the necessary qualifications to become an MP or an MLA ?

  • One should be an Indian citizen.
  • One should be at least 25 Years old for Lok Sabha/Vidhan Sabha and 30 years for Rajya Sabha/Vidhan Parishad (Legislative councils).
  • One should be registered as a voter in India (not necessary in same state or constituency)
  • The candidate must be of sound mind.
  • Must not be convicted for some offence and sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years or more.
  • One cannot contest more than two seats in an election.
  • The candidate must not hold an office of interest under the government of India.

Q.14. How does the election law regulate campaigns?

It is essential to regulate campaigns to ensure that every political party and candidate gets a fair and equal chance to compete. According to our election law, no party or candidate can

  • bribe or threaten voters
  • appeal to them in the name of caste or religion
  • use government resources for election campaign
  • spend more than 25 lakhs contesting for Lok Sabha and 10 lakhs for Rajya Sabha.

Q.15. How does the model code of conduct for elections control the activities of parties and candidates?

Model code of conduct is a set of norms and guidelines that political parties and candidates agree to follow during the elections. According to it nobody or candidate can:

  • Use any place of worship for election propaganda.
  • Use government vehicles, aircraft and officials for elections.
  • After the elections are announced, ministers are not lay foundation stones of any project, take any big policy decisions or make any promises to provide public facilities.

Q.16. What is Election Commission of India (ECI) how independent or powerful it is ?

  • Election commission of India was established on 25 January 1950.
  • It is an independent constitutional body that conducts elections in India. It enjoys the same kind of independence that the judicial enjoys.
  • It is a three-member body and the Chief election Commissioner is appointed by the Pres of India but it is not answerable to the President or the government.
  • It is the constitutional power of direction, superintendence and control of elections to Parliament, state legislatures, the office of President of India and the office of Vice President of India.
  • The election commission of India is a powerful body and it is virtually impossible to remove the CEC.

Q.17. Explain the role and functions of the election commission of India.

  • The election commission of India takes decision on every aspect of conducting and controlling elections from the time of declaration of elections to the announcement of results.
  • The election commission can implement the code of conduct and punish any party or candidate guilty of breaking or violating any rule.
  • Can order or direct the government: election commission can order the government to follow its guidelines on matters including transfer of government officials.
  • On election duty government officials work under the control of election commission.
  • The election commission can to prevent the government and administration for their lapses in following the guidelines towards conducting free and fair elections.
  • The election commission can also order a repoll if pouring was not fair on some boards or even an entire constituency.

Q.18. Describe the challenges to free and fair elections in India.

  • Candidates and parties with a lot of money may not win but they have an advantage over smaller parties and independent candidates.
  • Candidates with criminal connections are also given tickets by parties to contest elections.
  • Some families tend to dominate the political parties and tickets are given to the relatives.
  • The real choice of candidates before the voters is also a problem as both major parties appear similar to each other in the policies and practices.
  • Smaller parties and independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage as compared to the bigger parties.

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