‘For Anne Gregory’ Poem extra questions with answers are given here. The questions here also include the questions from CBSE Question Bank provided by CBSE.
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CBSE Question Bank 2020-21
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions/ complete the sentences that follow:
“I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.”
i. ‘yesternight’ is a word made of combination of two words to form a new word.
Hence, it is a compound word.
Choose the words that DO NOT fit the description.

- a. 3, 4
- b. 2, 6
- c. 3, 5
- d. 1, 4
ii. Choose the option that lists the person who correctly wrote a quote best representing the central idea of the given stanza. Choose the correct option out of the ones given below.

- a. Harpreet
- b. Manav
- c. Joel
- d. Nawaz
iii. The above stanza strongly defies the idea of ____________ .
- a. internal qualities
- b. external beauty
- c. spiritual self
- d. divinity
iv. Choose the option that displays the likely image of the man mentioned in the extract.

- a. option 1
- b. option 2
- c. option 3
- d. option 4
v. Choose the phrase that best represents, ‘love you for yourself alone”.
- a. Unconditional love
- b. Unseemly love
- c. Unrequited love
- d. Understated love
i. b
ii. c
iii. b
iv. c
v. a
B. Read the following extract and answer the questions/ complete the sentences that follow:
But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.
i. Given below are the taglines of four hypothetical brands. Choose the correct option that fits the best with the first three lines of the given stanza.

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)
ii. The form of the given stanza is a part of
a. an agreement.
b. a disapproval.
c. an engagement.
d. an argument
iii. Choose the option that describes a situation of ‘despair’ as mentioned in the extract.
a. Option (1)
b. Option (2)
c. Option (3)
d. Option (4)
(1) Worked very hard and got selected in the audition for the dance. competition. | (2) Worked very hard and was once again, for the 3rd time, unable to get selected in the audition for the dance competition. |
(3) Worked very hard for the dance competition audition. My best friend got selected but I didn’t. | (4) Worked very hard to get selected in the audition for the dance competition, but the auditions got |
iv. Read the statements 1 and 2 given below and choose the option that correctly assesses these statements.
1 – The speaker wants to change her hair colour so that it may appeal to young men.
2 – The speaker’s appearance due to her gorgeous yellow hair is largely the reason young men hope to get her attention.
a. 1 is false, 2 is true and clearly inferred from the poem.
b. 1 is true, 2 cannot be clearly inferred from the poem.
c. 1 cannot be clearly inferred from the poem, 2 is false.
d. 1 is true and can be inferred from the poem, 2 is false.
v. Choose the product that best shows what Anne would invest in, to ensure that young men love her for herself and not her hair.

a. Option (1)
b. Option (2)
c. Option (3)
d. Option (4)
i. c
ii. d
iii. b
iv. a
v. d
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Describe the method Anne Gregory suggested in order to prove that she is loved for who she is
2. Highlight the central theme of the poem “For Anne Gregory”.
3. How would you, as a young adult of your times, title this poem. Give a reason for your choice.
4. The advice given by elders is crucial to young lives. Explain in the context of the poem “For Anne Gregory”.
5. The “yellow hair” is a symbol in the poem. Briefly support the statement with reference to the poem “For Anne Gregory”.
6. Expound on any two ways in which Anne Gregory could practically put the poet persona’s advice to use.
7. Write the reaction of a 21st century teenager (boy or girl), to the idea of being loved for one’s appearance or the things one represents / possesses. Give a reason for the reaction.
8. Evaluate the poem in the context of the given quote.
“If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be.”
You may begin like this:
The poet shares that God loves us unconditionally, for who we are and not our appearance.
This quote…………………(continue)………………
1. Anne suggests that she can get her hair dyed and colour it brown, black or red so that men fall in love with her inner self and not her hair colour.
2. The poem highlights the idea of true love. True love is based on the inner beauty (thoughts, nature, soul etc) of a person that stays forever rather than the physical attributes of a person that goes away with age. A man should not fall in love with the physical attributes of a lady that diminishes with age rather love her pure heart, soul and mind.
3. As a young adult, I would title this poem as “Beauty of inner self”. The reason being that the poem highlights the same idea of true love i.e. the beauty of nature and soul. It is always the beauty of soul that stays forever, however the physical beauty fades away with time.
4. The advice given by elders to young people is very important. In the poem “For Anne Gregory”, the poet advises Anne to watch out for men who desperately fall in love with her golden hair or her outer beauty. This advice would definitely help Anne to attain true love in life that is based on her inner beauty and not her physical attributes as that may fade away with time.
5. The “yellow hair” is a symbol of Anne’s external beauty in the poem. In the poem, men fall in love with Anne’s golden hair defining her beauty for them, not her inner self
Shallow or narrow-minded people adore and seek only physical beauty. What we should seek and be after is the spiritual inner beauty of soul and nature before falling in love with any girl or lady. Physical beauty is just skin-deep and is momentary that fades and dissolves with age and disease and the kinds that take toll on the body of a person.
6. Firstly, Anne can dye her beautiful blonde hair the way she likes – brown, black, carrot or yellow. Secondly, instead of looking after her physical appearance and taking care of her outward appearance Anne can nurture her soul with spiritual care by devoting herself in God’s will.
7. A 21st century teenager would easily fall for one’s physical appearance. The reason behind this reaction is that nowadays, teenagers have become social media addicts and they pay attention on outer beauty rather than going for the inner charm of a person. The virtual world taking its toll on the essence and ethics of physical engagements.
8. The poet shares that God loves us unconditionally, for who we are and not our appearance. This quote is absolutely true. Judging by mere appearances and outward outlook may be deceptive and misleading. A person should be liked and loved for being himself or herself portrayed by his/her soul and nature. Outwards appearance does tempt and dazzle us but it is temporary and often brings us dejection, gloom and regret.
Our ideas of beauty would be different and change and be guided or propelled by the sense and ethics of ‘true love’ if people would too would love people unconditionally without any dilution from the outer physical beauty that degrades with time.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Imagine Anne Gregory grows up to be a motivational speaker. As Anne Gregory, write a short speech on the importance of loving oneself.
You may begin this way:
Dear friends
The importance of believing in oneself can never be overstated. It becomes most important, therefore, to love oneself. I learnt this, as a young teen, the day a poet pointed out that…… (continue) ………
2. Just as a love for outer appearances is not true love, love for the sake of money is not true love either.
Pen down a dialogue exchange between Anne Gregory and any character from “The Proposal” where Anne tries to explain how loving others simply for who they are is the most important virtue that everyone must possess.
3. Imagine the poem were written for Anne Gregory’s brother, Miller Gregory.
(a) Would that poem be different from the original poem? If so, highlight the differences it would have.
(b) Pen down the advice, you think the poet persona would have given to Miller Gregory.
Ans 1.
Dear friends
The importance of believing in oneself can never be overstated. It becomes most important, therefore, to love oneself. I learnt this, as a young teen, the day a poet pointed out that this is a world obsessed with ostentations, glamour and dazzles. I learnt this, as a young teen, the day a poet pointed out that no man in this world would love me for my inner self. Men will always love me desperately for my physical attributes and outer beauty.
There are many who love Anne Gregory only for her yellow hair. However, I don’t want a love like that based on outward look. I want true love. Love that is based on a person’s heart and soul. I want someone to love me for who I am rather than how I look as the physical look changes with time. True love cannot be sustained on something changing with time rather it can be sustained on that is not physical i.e. the spirituality and the real inner self.
I can only say, at least for myself, that I would not entertain that love that is guided by my golden hair and the likes. I’m not hopeless and would sure get my true love someday.
Ans 2.
Anne Gregory: Hey! I think you shouldn’t marry Lomov for his money. That’s not love, my dear. That is selfishness. True love is entirely based on a person’s inner beauty, not on any physical or social attribute, Natalya.
Ntalya: I can’t agree with you Anne. Money is important and a motivation in itself. that causes smile on the people around you. Without money you can’t do that. If one is not reach then he is at a risk of getting depressed. His social reputation is at risk to. Money is a barrier from being happy to being sad. Money is more important than love.
Anne Gregory: I can’t believe it. I strongly feel that money can never bring happiness. One can buy an expensive bed with money bit sound sleep can’t be bought. Love can do it. Ultimately, to live a fulfilling and happy life’s first and foremost, requires that you love all that you are and trust that life love you in return.
Ans 3.
(a) If the poem were written for Anne Gregory’s brother, Miller Gregory then it would be absolutely different from the original poem. It is so for the fact that women are sensitive, delicate and tenderly in nature with soft physical body. Then instead of describing the physical beauty of Miller Gregory, perhaps the poet might have talked about his chivalry or courage that better suits the man to attribute him with manliness.
(b) The vies of the poet as expressed in the poem surely indicate that the poet would have advised Miller Gregory to praise the inner qualities of his lady love instead of seeking for physical beauty. The poet would have suggested him to not get attracted by the outward appearance. It does tempt and dazzle us but he should know that it is temporary and deceptive. Only God can love a person for ‘himself of herself alone’. But a man should also be guided this attribute of loving a lady unconditionally irrespective of her physical beauty.