Letters have been and are still one of the most important and popular means of communication. They play an important role in maintaining the relationship with friends, and relatives as well as establishing official and commercial relations. Commerce, trade, official correspondence, public representation, complaints and other dealings, transactions and communication with people are still conducted through letters.
Class 10 CBSE Syllabus contains ‘Formal Letters’, which are discussed here.

Types of Formal Letters
Letter writing is an art and an essential skill and therefore requires a definite plan and purpose in composing it from beginning to end to convey the right message to the right person in its true intention the letter is meant to be. They may contain official information, placement of orders, enquiry requests, ideas, advices, feelings and emotions and so on in a verbal form.
Letters are broadly categorised as Formal Letters and Informal Letters.
Formal letters can be broadly classified into four types. These are:
1. Complaint Letters: As the name suggest, these letters are written to lodge a complaint. The complaint letters can be addressed to a public/private company or organisation.
2. Enquiry Letters: These letters are written when a person wants to get more information about a product or service or to obtain a quotation for purchasing a product or service. These letters are the most common form of formal letters.
3. Letters for Placing an Order: These are business letters and are written when a customer or an organisation wants to place an order for product/s or goods from another company or organisation. These may also include letters for cancellation or amendments to orders placed as well as acknowledgement of orders placed.
4. Letters to the Editor: These letters are usually written on a topic of general concern and to influence public opinion. They may include suggestions on an issue concerning public interests, complaints or request.
Steps to Write a Letter
To write an effective Formal Letter one must follow the correct format and the steps given below:
1. Sender’s Address: Make sure that the sender’s address is clear and precise. It is written at the top on the left-hand corner of the page. Specify the house number first, followed by the street, town/state and pin code.
2334/31, Ashok Nagar
Near Doordarshan Kendra
Meerut – 250002
This portion includes the sender’s full address. While writing the address, one must NOT put a comma at the end of each line.
2. Date and Receiver’s Address: While writing date, always remember the day is written in figures, month in words and year in full figures. The date on which the letter is written, followed by the receiver’s address which comprises of the receiver’s name/designation and the complete address.
12th December, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
Connaught Place
Delhi – 110002
3. Subject: One of the most important parts of a Formal Letter is the subject. One must ensure that the subject expresses the main theme or crux of the letter clearly. It must be brief as possible, maximum three or four words.
4. Salutation: The salutation used in formal letters is a greeting to whom the letter is addressed. The form of greeting or salutation depends on the relation and degree of intimacy between the writer and the addressee in personal letters. But in official letters, we may use Sir/Madam or Dear Sir/Dear Madam, keeping in mind the gender, if specified in the question.
5. Body of the Letter: The body of the letter is a complex part which contains all the information the writer (you) wants to convey. For this, start with introducing the purpose of writing. Then build up the topic.
The body includes three main parts. It should be:
i) Introductory Paragraph/Sentence: States the purpose of writing.
ii) Informative Paragraph: Gives details of the problems, cause, effect, possible solution etc.
iii) Concluding Paragraph/Sentence: States your hope, comment, request, suggestion etc.
6. Complimentary Close: This is a courteous way of ending a letter. For this, we write Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully/ Yours truly. The first letter of the second word (here ‘s’, ‘f’, ‘t’) is never written in capital letter.
7. Sender/Signature: Just below the complimentary close, sender’s name is written as a mark of signing off and also the sender’s designation may be added in brackets.
Points to be Kept in Mind
Answer the following questions while drafting the letter:
- Who are you writing to?
- What is the reason for writing the letter?
- What do you expect as the result of writing this letter?
- The subject line should match to what is asked in the question. Avoid a long subject line.
- Get right to the purpose of the letter in polite and formal language. It should focus on the desired topic.
- Be clear, concise and to the points. Stick to the word limit of 100-150 words.
- Use simple language so that the letter is easy to understand. Do not use long-winded sentences.
- Review your finished letter for clarity from the reader’s viewpoint, who should understand the action to be taken in response to the letter.
Marking Scheme for Letters
- Format: 1 Mark (Including Sender’s Address, Date, Receiver’s Address, Subject/Heading. Salutation and Complimentary Close.)
- Content: 2 Marks
- Accuracy: 1.5 Marks
- Fluency: 1.5 Marks
- Total: 5 Marks
I. Letters of Complaint
These letters are written to complaint about a defective product or service. These letters are written in very polite language. Such a letter is addressed to the relevant person of the company/ organisation/ dealer/ service provider who has supplied the defective product or provided poor service. The writer will introduce himself/ herself and give.
- Details of the product/ service
- Payment information like bill/ cash memo number
- Model number (if applicable)
- Compensation or corrective action required
- Nature of the complaint
- Date and place of purchase/ service
- Names of associated persons from the supplier side (if applicable),
- Any other details necessary for resolving the complaint.
Format of Complaint Letters
You are Aradhna/Aradhya, a resident of Lucknow. You are a subscriber of a weekly magazine named Outlook. Lately you have not been receiving the copies of the magazine on a regular basis. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Outlook regarding the non-receipt of copies. (100-150 words)

Examples of Complaint Letters
Q. You bought a mobile phone from a reputed showroom in Mumbai but after a month it developed a serious fault. Write a complaint letter to the Manager of the showroom asking for immediate replacement of the same. You are Sadiq/Razia, 123, South TT Nagar, Bhopal. (100-150 words).
123, South TT Nagar
Bhopal – 462003
17th November, 20XX
The Manger
Multimedia Stores
245/7, Dr Bhadkamar Marg
Mumabi – 400004
Subject: Apple iPhone Defective within Warranty Period
On my last visit to Mumbai, I had bought an Apple iPhone 7 Sr No.7778906 from your showroom on 16th October, 20xx. The Cash Memo number is MS/456/17-18. Unfortunately, the phone has stopped working from yesterday, which is very surprising for a such a high-quality product. It has not been damaged in any way by me.
So you are requested to inform me the action to be taken for free replacement of this phone. You are welcome to contact me on mobile no. 98765xxxxx for any clarification.
Yours faithfully
Q. You had taken an Annual Maintenance Contract from M/s Cool Service Agency, Panchkula, for maintenance of the 16 Samsung air conditioners installed in your office in Sector 17, Chandigarh. However, the service is irregular and unsatisfactory. Write a complaint letter to the proprietor of the agency. Invent the necessary details. You are Dev Arora, Punjab Coaching Institute, Sector 7, Chandigarh. (100-150 words).
Punjab Coaching Institute
Madhya Marg, Sector 7, Chandigarh – 160007
7th May, 20xx
The Proprietor
M/s Cool Service Agency
Sector 4, Panchkula – 134112
Subject: Unsatisfactory Annual Maintenance Service for Samsung ACs
Dear Sir
We had taken an AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) for our 16 Samsung air conditioners with your agency under contract to AMC 23/17 on 15th March, 20xx. At that time, we were assured by your Marketing Executive that your service engineer would carry out a monthly preventive maintenance visit in the first week of every month and any other complaints registered by us will be promptly attended to within one day.
Unfortunately, the preventive maintenance monthly visit for May has not been held so far. Last month two of our complaints got unsatisfactory response from your side, as they were attended after 4-5 days. This is causing great inconvenience to us. Our students have started complaining and threatening to boycott classes due to the discomfort during summer.
You are requested to initiate action at the earliest so that you honour the terms of the AMC, otherwise we will be compelled to go to the consumer forum for redressal.
Yours faithfully
Dev Arora
Q. Write a letter to the Director of the Archaeological Survey of India complaining about the damage caused to a historical monument in your city due to negligence.
36, JL Nehru Road
Kolkata – 700017
13th July, 20xx
The Director
Archaeological Survey of India
Kolkata – 700001
Subject: Damage Caused to Monument
I wish to bring to your notice the deplorable condition of the Victoria Memorial Monument and the grounds surrounding it. Being old, the monument is in constant need of repairs, which are not being carried out periodically or when required. This should be arranged by your office, as the Government of India has authorised you for this purpose.
Further, the grounds are littered with soft drink plastic bottles, paper scraps and polythene bags thrown by visitors, much to the disgust of foreign tourists. This monument is of prime importance to the history of our country and it is about time the civic authorities should realise this fact. They should carry out the cleaning regularly.
Necessary repairs should be carried out to the interior as well as exteriors of the monument. Security personnel should be increased to prevent littering of the grounds. If these measures are carried out, I am sure the Victorian Memorial will regain its lost glory.
Yours faithfully
Soanli Basu
II. Letters of Enquiry
A letter of enquiry is written to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine or on TV. We write such letters when we are interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision. In the letter, the writer will introduce himself/herself and give
- The facility/ product/ service required
- Nature of the information required – this may be a quotation, a brochure or other details
- Payment terms like credit
- Any other details required.
Format Letter of Enquiry

Examples of Letters of Enquiry
Q. You are Zac Skaria, a resident of # 412, Magna Greens Apartments, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara, Mumbai. Three students of grade 10 from your residential complex have rescued and rehabilitated a few old beggars from the neighbourhood. You think that their work deserves appreciation and recognition. Write a letter to the President of the RWA, seeking recommendation for these youth, to be nominated for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’.Suggest other ways such acts of kindness could be recognised and awarded in the future. (SQP 20222-23)
#421, Magna Greens Apartments
Gandhi Marg, Jonpara
19July 2022
The President
RWA,Magna Greens Apartments
42, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara
Subject: Seeking Recommendation for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ Nominations.
Dear Sir
This is with reference to the empathetic social service done by Miss Jiya, Mas Adwait and Master Pranit
(residents of our complex), in rescuing and rehabilitating a few old beggars from our neighbourhood.
These students ensured that the beggars were rehabilitated at ‘Seva Sadan’- an NGO which takes care of
the needy of our city.
This selfless initiative carried out with dedication and responsibility, deserves due recognition. I,
therefore, request you to issue a letter of recommendation for these students to be nominated for
‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ organised by the local Municipal Corporation.
I would also like to submit that the RWA set up a special committee that looks into such acts in the future.
This would aid dedicated attention and appropriate screening of nominations. Arrangement of academic
sponsorships for such children would also be an encouraging gesture.
I entreat you address this at your earliest convenience and issue the recommendation letters.
Yours sincerely
Zac Skaria
CBSE Marking Scheme

Q. You are Binod/Bhawna Talwar, Warden of the hostel in Karuna Public School, Allahabad. Write an enquiry letter to the Marketing Manager, Prayag Domestic Appliances, Naini, requesting a quotation for ceiling fans, tube light fixtures and other electric items required for the hostel. Specify the number required of each item and request for credit in the terms of payment (100-150 words).
Karuna Public School
Cantonment Road
Allahabad – 211001
13th February, 20xx
The Marketing Manager
Prayag Domestic Appliances
Naini, Allahabad – 211008
Subject: Requirement of Electrical Fixtures for Hostel
Dear Sir
We require the following electrical fixtures in our newly built school for secondary students.
S No. | Item Description | Qty Reqd | Remarks/Brand |
1 | Ceiling fans 36″ | 60 | Usha/Crompton only |
2 | Tube light fixtures 40 W | 60 | Crompton/ Philips only |
3 | Storage geysers | 3 | No more than 2.5KW/Venus |
4 | Electric ovens | 4 | 1200 W/ Bajaj or LG |
Kindly send us your lowest quotation for the above items. You should offer us wholesale prices as the quantity required is large. The prices must mention the amount of GST being charged on each item.
We request for credit in the terms of payment, as our standard terms of payment for all suppliers we take 30 days credit after receipt of goods in good condition.
We hope for an early reply.
Yours sincerely
Binod Talwar (Hostel Warden)
Q. You are Sudhir/Sita, the Head Boy/Girl of ABC Public School, Jayanagar, Bengaluru. Your school has planned an overnight excursion of students and teachers to Mysuru an nearby area. Write a letter to the Secretary, Ace Youth Hostel, Mysuru requesting him to send you a quotation for the costs of providing accommodation for 15 girls, 20 boys and two teachers for two days next month. Specify the dates when you want the accommodation and any other terms and conditions. (100-150 words)
ABC public School
Jayanagar, Bengaluru – 560070
23rd October, 20xx
The Secretary
Ace Youth Hostel, Mysuru – 570001
Subject: Accommodation Required for Student Group on 10 and 11 November, 20xx
Dear Sir
Our school is sponsoring an average excursion of senior students to visit Mysuru and nearby areas on 10th and 11th November, 20xx. The group consists of 15 girls and 20 boys accompanied by two teachers. They will require overnight accommodation on the night of 10th November in Mysuru, will be reaching at 11 AM on the 10th. Thys they will say for two days, departing by 5 PM on the 11th. Two dormitories (bedroom) will be required for the students, one for girls and one for boys. The teachers will require separate single rooms. If you require any further information, you may contact the undersigned on phone no 97456xxxxx.
Your sincerely
Sudhir (Head Boy)
Q. You are Rajat Kumar, a resident of 79, Sector 4, RK Puram, New Delhi. You are interested in joining the course in Communication Skills advertised by the Elite School of Language, South Extension – II. Write a letter of enquiry for the same (100-150 words).
70, Sector 4, RK Puram
New Delhi – 110045
12th August, 20xx
The Director
Elite School of Language
South Extension-II
New Delhi – 110048
Subject: Elite School of Language
This refers to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ dated 10th August, 20xx announcing the new course in Communication Skills that you have introduced. I have passed Class XII and plan to take up a part-time job as a Customer Care Executive in a reputed call centre. For this I shall need to improve my communication skills and would appreciate it if you could forward me the details of the course.
Please let me know the duration of the course for beginners and the advanced course as well as the fees charged for both courses. I would like to know if they are diploma or certificate courses. Kindly furnish the details of the address mentioned above as early as possible, so that I can decide about enrolling myself for one of them.
Yours truly
Rajat Kumar
III. Letters of Placing an Order
These business letters include placing an order for products/services from another company or organisation, cancelling or modifying orders already placed and acknowledging orders placed on your organisation. While placing an order, the writer has to be very careful about giving accurate information. Any inaccuracies may result in delayed / wrong deliveries with serious financial implications. Such letters should give
- Specifications (with quantities) of the product/ service to be supplied
- Reference number of the quotation/ price list against which the order has been placed
- Payment terms/ credit terms/ bank details (as applicable)
- Required date of delivery
- Mode of transport of goods
- All taxes/ delivery charges
- Any other terms and conditions
Format of Placing an Order Format

Examples of Letters of Placing an Order
Q. You are Vikram/Vanya, Librarian, B.S. Public School, Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager of Amar Publication House, Mumbai, placing an order for 4 sets of Social Studies books for grades 6-8 published by N.C.E.R.T. in not more than 120 words. Mention school discount, mode of payment and date of delivery. (CBSE 2021-22)
B.S. Public School
April 12, 2022
The Manager
Amar Publication House
Andheri West
Subject: Supply of books for School Library
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to place an order for four sets of Social Studies books for grades 6-8 published by N.C.E.R.T. on behalf of B.S. Public School, Delhi. We have been using your publications for our students for many years now, and we have always been satisfied with the quality and content of your books.
As our academic year is about to begin, we would like to receive the books as soon as possible. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the delivery date and mode of transportation for the same. We would also like to know if there is any discount available for schools, which we can avail ourselves of.
As a school, we would like to make the payment through a bank transfer or a demand draft, whichever is convenient for you. Please let us know the details of the bank account or where to send the demand draft.
We look forward to receiving the books and continuing our association with Amar Publication House.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Librarian, B.S. Public School, Delhi.
Q. You are Niharika, in charge of the Neighbourhood Library for children. Write a letter to Manautal Publishers placing an order for books 2 Sets each of Panchatantra and Amar Chitra Katha in about 120 words. Mention mode of Payment, library discount and date of delivery. (CBSE Delhi 2021-22)
Neighbourhood Library
Ashok Road
April 10, 2022
The Sales Manager
Manautal Publishers
Sub: Placing Order for books.
Thank you for the catalogue you had sent, with the latest price list. After going through the same we’d like to place an order for the following books:
Panchtantra (Hindi) 2 Sets
Amar Chitra Katha (Hindi) 2 Sets
We’ve transferred 50% advance payment through Paytm. The balance payment will be made on delivery. We expect a 15% discount, as promised by you. Please note that delivery should be made latest by 10th May.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Library in charge)
Q: Write a letter to M/s PK Publications, Karol Bagh, New Delhi ordering some titles of National Integration books for your school library. You are Sakina/ Saif, Librarian of Happy School , Daryaganj, Delhi (100-150 words).
Happy School
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj
20th July, 20xx
M/s PK Publications
106, WEA, Karol Bagh
New Delhi – 11005
Subject: Order for Books on National Integration
Dear Sir
Kindly refer to our telephonic conversation on 15th July wherein I enquired about books available with you on National Integration for school children. Based on your verbal quotation and terms of payment, we are enclosing herewith a demand draft no 184397 dated 19th July, 20xx for Rs. 2100/- drawn on Punjab National Bank, favouring M/s PK Publications payable at Delhi against the supply of the following books.
1. Importance of National Integration: 6 copies
2. Swami Vivekanand on National Integration: 8 copies
Please send the above books through courier, suitably packed at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Q. You are the Librarian of Army Public School. You had placed an order for textbooks with Dhanpati and Sons, Chennai. As the books did not arrive on time, you have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manger, Dhanpati and Sons, Chennai, cancelling the order. (100-150 words).
Army Public School
24, Ooty Road
13th April, 20xx
The Manager
M/s Dhanpati & Sons
12/A Anna Salai
Subject: Cancellation of Our Order APS/33/17-18
Dear Sir
Kindly refer to our above order dated 7th March, 20xx for various textbooks for our school students, in which the last chance of delivery was 31st March, 20xx.
We regret that the books ordered by us have not been received so far despite several reminders to you on the phone and also on e-mail. We regret to point out the fact that you have sorely disappointed us. It was not expected from a reputed supplier like you.
As the new term of the school has already started, we are constrained to cancel the above order, as you did not comply with the delivery date and also have not informed us when you expect the books to be delivered.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of his letter.
Yours faithfully
Sameer Mukherjee
Q. You are Vidushi/Vishal, Hostel Warden, Zenith Public School, Kosi Kalan. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Bharat Electricals and Domestic Appliances Limited, Delhi, placing an order for fans, microwave ovens, geysers and tube lights that you wish to purchase for the hostel. Also ask for the discount permissible on the purchase.
Zenith Public School
Kosi Kalan – 281401
11th March, 20xx
Sales Manager
Bharat Electricals and Domestic Appliances Ltd, Delhi – 110030
Subject: Purchase Order for Electrical Goods
Dear Sir
Kindly supply the following electrical goods for the school hostel at the earliest possible time at the prices mentioned in your price list no. BEDA/43 dated 1st January, 20xx.
Serial No. | Item | Brand | Quantity |
I | Ceiling fans 36″ | Usha | 10 |
II | Table fans 12″ | Usha | 10 |
III | Microwave ovens | Thompson | 2 |
IV | Geysers 2.5 KW | Thompson | 5 |
V | Tube light fixtures | Philips | 20 |
Please send the goods to the school on any weekday between 9 am and 1 pm. You are also requested to send the bill after allowing the discount permissible for schools. Payment will be made after the consignment is received and checked by the Hostel Committee of the school.
If defects are found in the products, the whole consignment will be returned without any payment.
For any enquiry from your side, feel free to contact the undersigned.
Thanking you
Vishal (Hostel Warden)
IV. Letters to the Editor
These letters are a written way of talking to a newspaper, magazine, or other regularly printed publication. They can take a position for or against an issue, or simply inform, or both. They can convince readers by using emotions, or facts, or emotions and facts combined. They include the following elements in the order given below
- Grab the reader’s attention
- Explain why the issue is important
- State the writer’s opinion about what should be done
- Any other details required for supporting the stand taken by the writer of the letter.
- Explain what the letter is about at the start.
- Given evidence of any praise of criticism
Format of Letter to the Editor

Letters of the Editor Examples
Q. Write a letter to the Editor of The DWA, in not more than 120 words, drawing attention towards harm caused by such advertising. Propose the implementation of “Wholesome Lunch Month’ in schools as an idea to address such practices, mention the advantages and share suggestions to foster healthy eating routines and develop positive body image among youngsters. (SQP 2022-23)
Answer (as per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Brilliant Vidyalaya, Barra
29 August 2022
The Editor
K-21, Anjana Pura
Subject: Need for Promoting Healthy Eating Routines
Dear Madam
This is with reference to posters bearing the message of ‘crash diet’ being posted around our school premises. Such posters impact the youngsters negatively and can be hazardous for their self-esteem. I would like to propose the idea of implementing “Wholesome Lunch Month’ for all school students to counter the implications of such misleading advertisements. This initiative is sure to encourage all students to bring nutritious and healthy lunch daily and develop healthy eating routines. To ensure that this project gains strength, schools may organize puppet shows, street plays, Ted Talks (by Nutritionist/ Psychologist), encompassing the theme, to foster healthy eating routines and a positive body image.
I hope that the publishing of my letter in the columns of your renowned Daily, helps spread awareness and promotes a healthy lifestyle among students.
Yours truly
Sunidhi Prakash

Q. You are Prabhu Kumar/Parvati of 17E, Ravi Dass Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city during examination days drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem.
17E, Ravi Dass Road
15th March, 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu
Subject: Nuisance Caused by Loudspeakers
Through the columns of your newspaper, I want to highlight the nuisance caused by loudspeakers blaring music and films during various social functions like marriages, religious festivals, processions etc in the city. At this time in the year, school and college students are preparing for or facing examinations. Such loud sounds disturb our studies during the evenings, when we need to study. If such loudspeakers also blare during the late hours at night, the disturb the sleep of all citizens.
I suggest that the municipal authorities should take strong action against the persons responsible for creating such a disturbance by either penalising them with heavy fines or banning them altogether. Further, the authorities may ask the concerned persons to keep the sounds emanating from their loudspeakers to a tolerable level. In this way, the sound will not disturb students who are concentrating on their studies.
I hope that the authorities will read my letter and take action accordingly.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Prabhu Kumar
Q. Many students from different parts of the country come to Delhi to study. Finding affordable accommodation is the main problem faced by them. Landlords charge exorbitant rents and in some cases refuse to rent rooms to them because of their different food habits and culture. The hostel facility provided by educational institutions is too inadequate to meet the demand. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the editor of a local daily drawing attention of the authorities and requesting them to take appropriate action. You are Raman/Raveena, 12, Station Road, Delhi.
12, Station Road
New Delhi – 110054
25th July, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject: Inadequate Hostel Facility for Students
Through this letter, I want to highlight the problem of inadequate hostel accommodation for college and university students who come from all over India to study in the various educational institutions and universities in Delhi.
The hostel facility provided by educational institutions in Delhi is too inadequate to meet the demand. Consequently, such students have to hire private accommodation near to their place of study. As a result, landlords charge exorbitant rents for it. Sometimes, they may refuse to rent rooms to such students because of their different food habits and culture. Thus, these students face a serious accommodation problem, which interferes with their studies.
It is suggested that the educational authorities should provide more hostel accommodation in or near colleges and universities. Wherever possible, independent student hostels, on the line workmen hostels, may be constructed near educational institutions to solve this problem. Only bona fide students with admission letters to colleges or universities in Delhi should be allowed to stay in such hostels. In hope that the concerned authorities will take speedy action on these suggestions.
Yours sincerely
Q. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, about evoking awareness for the use of solar energy among the citizens of India. You are Daman/ Damini from Vijay Nagar, New Delhi.
81/139, Vijay Nagar
New Delhi – 110051
29th March, 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi – 110002
Subject: Evoking Awareness About Use of Solar Energy
Dear Sir
I wish to make the people aware of the growing need for use of solar power and its necessity. We all know that our mother Earth is showing signs of declining health. It is due to excessive pollution and excessive use of resources, particularly fossil fuels, that is leading to this situation. Man has a desire to lead a luxurious life and for that he is overusing electricity.
To find alternate sources of energy, we should switch over to use of solar energy like solar cookers, solar lanterns, solar water heaters and solar electric panels. All these items are available in the market and the government should subsidise them so far, more and more people switch over to this option.
I am sure that by using alternate energy we shall be able to cut down the pollution level and make Earth a better place to live in.
Yours sincerely
Q. You are Kavita Yadav, a resident of B-3/13 Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. You have noticed that in spite of the government’s initiatives and provisions made for the girl child, the actual school enrolment statistics do not show an encouraging trend. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, expressing your concern about the issue and the need to work on a war footing to counter the problem of poor enrolment of girls. Take ideas from the notes given below. (100-150 words)
- Poor enrolment ratio
- Education to all is important
- Effect of gender discrimination
- Government efforts required
- Spreading awareness
- Sensitise parents
B-3/13 Ashok Vihar
New Delhi – 110054
7th March, 20xx
The Editor
The Indian Express
New Delhi – 110002
Subject: Universal Education for Girls – Still a Dream!
Dear Sir
I wish to throw on the prevailing poor enrolment ratio of girls in our country. Education is a human right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that education is given to all.
Gender discrimination and cultural factors continue to make the situation worse. Collective efforts on a war footing and on an individual and national level are needed now. Some parents hesitate to send girls to far off schools by raising their concern for security. Considering this, more educational institutions must be opened in safe and nearby areas.
Awareness programmed should be conducted to sensitise parents, as it is important for the poor to understand the importance of education. Incentives in the form of financial scholarships may also help motivate poor parents to enrol their girl child. With these steps, we may emancipate and empower girls of our country.
Yours sincerely
Kavita Yadav
A good idea how to write a letter
Reminder letter
Really helpful for students. Thank you for your hard work.
I found this grammar tutorial very helpful. Thank you for providing it.