Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom MCQs Competency Based Class 10 English

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Q. Multiple Choice Questions Based on Extracts: [CBSE Q. Bank]

(A). “We, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations if the world on our own soil. We thank all of our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity.” 

i. The guests at the spectacular ceremony are being called distinguished because they  

a) they have been invited as guests to attend it.  

b) they are eminent world leaders witnessing it.  

c) they are visiting the country for this purpose.  

d) they have resumed diplomatic relations with the country 

ii. It is a victory for ‘human dignity’. Pick the option that lists the correct answer for what ‘human dignity’ would include.  

a) i) equality ii) liberty iii) indecency  

b) i) liberty ii) indecency iii) self-respect  

c) i) immorality ii) self-respect iii) equality  

d) i) equality ii) liberty iii) self-respect 

iii. Why does the speaker say that it is a ‘rare privilege’? He says this as they have  

a) been deprived of this honour.  

b) seldom been given this honour.  

c) experienced it for the first time.  

d) been chosen over other countries, for this honour. 

iv. How do you think the speaker feels? Choose the option that best fits his state of mind.  

a) i) emotional ii) elated iii) unmindful  

b) i) elated ii) unmindful iii) overwhelmed  

c) i) overwhelmed ii) elated iii) honoured  

d) i) elated ii) honoured iii) unmindful 

v. Pick the option that showcases the usage of ‘host’ as in the extract.  

a) He was praised for his hospitality as the host of the party.  

b) She was able to host the event without any hindrance.  

c) She met the host and apologised for her friend’s misbehaviour.  

d) He is the best host that one can ever come across. 


i) b  

ii) d  

iii) c  

iv) c  

v) b 

(B). “It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a student, I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go where I chose. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms…” 

i. The title that best suits this extract is

a) Freedom for everything

b) Knowledge about Freedom

c) Significance of Freedom

d) Realisation of Freedom  

ii. Why do you think the speaker mentions some freedoms as ‘transitory’?

a) The freedoms are momentary and keep changing with time.

b) The definition of freedom is constant but perspectives differ.

c) Freedom means different things to different people.

d) Freedom is not that important after a certain age.  

iii. Choose the option that best fits the usage of the word ‘illusion’ as used in the extract.

a) He was never able to get past the illusion.

b) The illusion I experienced was quite intriguing.

c) A large mirror in the room creates an illusion.

d) I was living under the illusion that this is possible. 

iv. The speaker says, ‘at first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself.’ Why do you think he only thought about himself?

a) He didn’t want to think about the freedom denied to others.

b) He was being selfish and was only bothered about himself.

c) He didn’t think that freedom denied to him was important for others.

d) He was too young to realise that freedom was denied to others as well. 

v. A part of the extract has been paraphrased. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solution to the blanks in the given paraphrase of the extract. 

The speaker’s belief about freedom, since childhood proved false. It was not until the speaker grew up to be a young man when it i) __________________ on him that he was ii) ________________ of freedom. Then he began iii) __________________ it. 

a) i) desired ii) dawned iii) depriving  

b) i) dawned ii) deprived iii) desiring  

c) i) dawned ii) arrived iii) desiring  

d) i) arrived ii) deprived iii) dawned 


i) c  

ii) a  

iii) d  

iv) d  

v) b 

(C) Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. I was not born with a hunger to be free. I was born free — free in every way that I could know. Free to run in the fields near my mother’s hut, free to swim in the clear stream that ran through my village, free to roast mealies under the stars and ride the broad backs of slow-moving bulls. As long as I obeyed my father and abided by the customs of my tribe, I was not troubled by the laws of man or God. 

(i). What was the speaker free to do when he was a young child?


(a) Image 1

(b) Image 2

(c) Image 3

(d) All of these 

(ii). What did the speaker mean by ‘not troubled by the laws of man or God’?  

(a) He was fearless and did not fear anyone.  

(b) Nobody stopped him from doing anything.  

(c) He did not break the rules of the tribe.  

(d) Nobody was bothered about him. 

(iii) What did the speaker slowly realise over time?

(a) He was not free.

(b) His brothers and sisters were to free.

(c) His country was not free.

(d) All of the above 

(iv). What did the speaker slowly realise over time?  

1. I was the first President of South Africa.  

2. I fought for the freedom of his community.  

3. I supported supremacy of one race over other.  

4. The concept of freedom changed with age for ‘I’.  

5. As a young man, I wanted to get married.  

6. I was a very meek personality.  


(a) 3 and 4  

(b) 1 and 2  

(c) 5 and 6  

(d) 3 and 6 

(v). Pick the option that correctly classifies Fact/s(F) and Opinion/s (O) given below. 

(a) F-1 and O-2,3,4  

(b) F-1,4 and O-2,3  

(c) F-2,3 and O-1,4  

(d) F- 1,3 and O-2,4 

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