Subject Verb Concord Practice Questions for CBSE/ICSE Schools

Practice Questions on English Grammar topic ‘Subject Verb Concord’ are given here under ‘Grammar for Schools’ for CBSE/ICSE and State Boards. Answers are given at the end of the exercises.

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Solved Exercise -1

Q. Complete the following sentences with verb that agree with the subject.

1. Satish and his sister ………………… gone to see a movie.

2. Each of these producers ………………… his own advantage.

3. Ten miles ………………… a long distance.

4. Many a student ………………… (try) hard to pass their entrance test.

5. The furniture in his house ………………… (look) beautiful.

6. Few students ………………… present in the class today.

7. Sohan as well as his brother ………………… come.

8. Neither of the students ………………… absent.

9. The committee ………………… meeting tomorrow.

10. The novelist and poet ………………… dead.

11. The level of intoxication ………………… (vary) from subject to subject.

12. Either boys or girls ………………… telling lies.

13. Two thousand rupees ………………… not a small sum.

14. A group of boys ………………… playing in the ground.

15. A number of people ………………… reported to be missing in the train accident.

16. Rajan ………………… collecting stamps since childhood.

17. Either the mother or the daughter ………………… made this pudding.

18. Had she worked hard, she ………………… passed.

19. I ………………… seen Anita for a long time.

20. I ………………… living here for three years.

21. Every one of the students ………………… present in the function.

22. Oil and water ………………… not mix fully.


  1. have
  2. 2. has
  3. 3. is
  4. 4. try
  5. looks
  6. are
  7. has
  8. was
  9. is
  10. is
  11. varies
  12. are
  13. is
  14. was
  15. were
  16. has been
  17. has
  18. would have
  19. have not
  20. have been
  21. was
  22. do

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