Amanda: MCQS Previous Years’ Questions Class 10 English CBSE

Amanda: MCQs

Q. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: [CBSE Delhi 2019]

There is a languid, emerald sea,

where the sole inhabitant is meā€”

a mermaid, drifting blissfully.

1. Who do these lines refer to?

(A) Amanda

(B) Mermaid

(C) Amandaā€™s sister

(D) None of these

2. Why is this stanza given within brackets?

(A) To show inner thoughts of mother

(B) Day dreaming by Amanda

(C) To show the contrast

(D) Both (B) and (C)

3. Give the word from the stanza which means ā€œfree flowing act of going with motion and forceā€.

(A) Languid

(B) Blissfully

(C) Drifting

(D) Emerald

4. Why does Amanda want to be sole inhabitant of sea?

(A) Away from noise (B) Away from mother

(C) Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere

(D) Away from everyone

5. Which poetic device is used in line-1?

(A) Simile

(B) Metaphor

(C) Alliteration

(D) Personification


1. (A)
2. (D)
3. (C)
4. (C)
5. (B)

Q. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option: [CBSE 2019]

There is a languid, emerald sea,

where the sole inhabitant is meā€”

a mermaid, drifting blissfully.

(i) Who is the poet of the poem?

(a) Robert Frost

(b) Robin Klein

(c) William Blake

(d) Ogden Nash

(ii) Who does ā€˜meā€™ stand for?

(a) Amandaā€™s mother

(b) Amandaā€™s sister

(c) Amanda

(d) Poetess

(iii) How does ā€˜meā€™ feel?

(a) Happy

(b) Sad

(c) Lonely

(d) Scared

(iv) Who is ā€˜meā€™ compared to?

(a) Fish

(b) Mermaid

(c) Dolphin

(d) None of the above

(v) Which word in the extract means opposite of ā€˜sorrowfullyā€™?

(a) Languid

(b) Emerald

(c) Sole

(d) Blissfully


(i) (b) Robin Klein
(ii) (c) Amanda
(iii) (b) Sad
(iv) (b) Mermaid
(v) (d) Blissfully

Q. Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option. 

Donā€™t bit your nails. Amanda!Ā 

Donā€™t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!Ā 

Stop that slouching and sit up straight, 


i) Who is giving instructions to Amanda! 

a) Teacher 

b) Grandmother 

c) Mother 

d) Father 

ii) What does Amanda do to her shoulders? 

a) Stretches 

b) Hunches 

c) Keep them loose 

d) None of these 

iii) What is Amandaā€™s sitting posture? 

a) Sitting straight 

b) Bending on the chair 

c) Slouching 

d) Not sitting at all 

iv) What is the literary device used in the third line? 

a) Metaphor 

b) Alliteration 

c) Personification 

d) Simile 


i) c) Mother 

ii) b) Hunches 

iii) c) Slouching 

iv) b) Alliteration 

Q. Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option. 

(There is a languid, emerald sea, 

where the sole inhabitant is me- 

a mermaid, drifting blissfully.) 

i) Who do these lines refer to? 

a) Amanda 

b) Mermaid 

c) Amandaā€™s sister 

d) None of these 

ii) Why is this stanza given within brackets? 

a) to show inner thoughts of mother 

b) day dreaming by Amanda 

c) to show the contrast 

d) Both (b) and (c) 

iii) Give the word from the stanza which means ā€œfree flowing act of going with motion anforceā€. 

a) languid 

b) Blissfully 

c) Drifting 

d) Emerald 

iv) Why does Amanda want to be sole inhabitant of sea? 

a) Away from noise 

b) Away from mother 

c) Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere 

d) Away from everyone 


i) a) Amanda 

ii) d) Both (b) and (c) 

iii) c) Drifting 

iv) c) Away from this noisy and disturbing atmosphere 

Q. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option:

I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;

life in a tower is tranquil and rare;

Iā€™ll certainly never let down my bright hair!

(i) The above lines have been extracted from _____

(a) Amanda

(b) Amandaā€™s Life

(c) Amandaā€™s Mermaid

(d) Amanda! Amanda!

(ii) Who is the poet of the above lines?

(a) Robert Frost

(b) Robin Klein

(c) William Blake

(d) Ogden Nash

(iii) The literary device used in the line one is _________

(a) allusion

(b) oxymoron

(c) personification

(d) repetition

(iv) Why does poet talk about Rapunzel?

(a) Amanda wants to be to have long hair as Rapunzel.

(b) Amanda wants to be as beautiful as Rapunzel.

(c) Amanda wants to be as carefree as Rapunzel.

(d) none of the above

(v) Which word in the above lines means ā€˜peacefulā€™?

(a) Care

(b) Tranquil

(c) Certainly

(d) Bright


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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Gaurav

    These questions are too easy

  2. Gaurav

    These questions are too easy. Please make it little bit more hard. Whatever these questions is good but not excellent.

    1. Sirji

      Thanks for your feedback. CBSE QB questions are the new ones added now on page 2.

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