Outcomes of Democracy Extra Important Questions Class 10 Political Science

Outcomes of Democracy Chapter Extra questions asked in previous year’s CBSE exams: These questions are selected from various exams conducted by CBSE for Social Science Class 10. Questions have been given topic wise. Study them to prepare for Board exams.

How do We Assess Democracy’s Outcomes?

1. Describe any five factors that make democracy a better form of government than other alternatives. [2019]
OR “Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government”. Justify the statement. [2019, 16, 15]

Ans. Democracy is widely regarded as the best form of government, primarily due to the following reasons:

Promotes Equality among Citizens: In a democratic society, all citizens are equal before the law. Every individual has the same weight in electing representatives, regardless of their social status or economic standing. This helps to ensure that the government is representative of the entire population, and that the needs and concerns of all citizens are taken into account.

Enhances the Dignity of the Individual: Democracy promotes the dignity and freedom of the individual by granting equal rights to all citizens. Women, as well as individuals from deprived and discriminated castes, are given equal treatment and respect in a democratic society. This helps to ensure that all individuals are able to live with a sense of self-respect and autonomy.

Improves the Quality of Decision-Making: Democracy encourages open debate and discussion, which helps to improve the quality of decision-making. By allowing different viewpoints to be heard and considered, democratic governments are better able to make informed decisions that benefit the entire population.

Provides a Method to Resolve Conflicts: Democracy reduces the possibility of social tension by providing a peaceful method for resolving conflicts. By allowing for dissent and disagreement, democratic societies are better able to address grievances and correct mistakes, leading to a more harmonious social life.

Ensures Legitimacy of the Government: A democratic government is considered legitimate because it receives popular support from the people through regular, free, and fair elections. This helps to ensure that the government is accountable to the people and that their needs and concerns are taken into account when making decisions.

Political Outcomes of Democracy: Accountable, Responsive & Legitimate Government

1. Describe the importance of democratic government as an accountable and legitimate government. [Delhi Set-I, 2019]


  • It produces a government that is accountable to citizens.
  • It is responsive to the needs and expectations of citizens.
  • It ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures for transparency making it accountable.
  • It has great success in setting up regular and free elections.
  • Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is the most positive feature.

Q. 2. Describe any five outcomes of Democracy. [Delhi Set-II, 2019]

Ans. Five outcomes of Democracy:

  • Accountable, responsive and legitimate government.
  • Economic growth and development.
  • Reduction of inequality and poverty.
  • Accommodation of social diversity.
  • Dignity and freedom of the citizens

Accountable Government

1. “Democratic governments in practice are known as accountable.” Support the statement with arguments. [2016]

Ans. It is the most basic outcome of a democracy as democracies are based on political equality. Democratic governments in practice are accountable because:

(i) It is right to expect democracy to form a government that follows procedures and is accountable to the people.

(ii) It is also expected that the democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making whenever they think it as fit.

(iii) The democratic government is accountable to the people. If it ignores the will of the people, they will not elect their ruler in the next general election.

(iv) Transparency differentiates s a democratic from a non-democratic government. The procedures and decision-making process should be transparent for democratic government to be accountable to the people.

(v) Deliberation and negotiations may make government appear inefficient due to delay in decision making but it is worth if decision is effective and acceptable to people.

The features like regular free & fair elections, open public debates on legislation and policies, right to information about functioning of government make an ideal accountable government.

Another Answer:

Democratic governments in practice are accountable because:

(i) It is right to expect democracy to form a government that follows procedures and is accountable to the people.

(ii) It is also expected that the democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making whenever they think it as fit.

(iii) The democratic government is accountable to the people. If it ignores the will of the people, they will not elect their ruler in the next general election.

(iv) The procedures and decision-making process should be transparent for democratic government to be accountable to the people.

If we examine critically the record is not good on giving fair choice in elections and also do not subject every decision on public debate.

Transparent Government

2. Explain the meaning of transparency in democracy. (2017)

  • Citizens should have the rights and means to find out and examine the process of decision making. It is
    called transparency
  • The decision-making process may be slower than nondemocratic regimes but the delay is compensated by a more worthy, correct and suitable decisions.
  • Govt should develop mechanisms for citizens to hold the Govt Accountable right to information.
  • It is right to expect democracy to produce a govt that follows and is accountable to people

Responsive Government

1. How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain with an example. [2014]

Ans. A Responsive Government It is expected from a democracy that

  • Govt is attentive to the needs and demands of the people
  • Govt is largely free from the evil of Democracy
  • People should feel that Govt listens to their grievances and properly addresses them.
  • A government which is able to respond to grievances faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance.

But the record of democracies is not impressive in terms of responsiveness and corruption issues.

  • Democracies often frustrate the needs of people
  • Ignore demands of the majority
  • Democracies are not free from the evil of corruption – The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free from this evil but non-democratic governments are also not free from corruption.

Another Answer:

A democratic government has to be responsive to the needs of its citizens.

(i) Through pressure groups, and public protests, the democratic government can check the popularity of its decisions and mechanism of administering justice.

(ii) A government which is able to respond to grievances faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance.

A Legitimate Government

1. “Democratic government is legitimate government.” Support the statement with arguments. (2017, 16, 14)

  • A democratic government is called a legitimate government because it is people’s own government.
  • Rule of law is applicable equally to all citizens and a
  • All powers are drawn from the Constitution
  • It may be slow, less efficient and not very responsive and clean, but it is people’s government.
  • There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. People of South Asia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Nepal have no doubt about the suitability of democracy for their own country.
  • People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
  • Democracy itself generates support for itself which makes it the most popular form of government

Economic Outcomes of a Democracy

1. “Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities”. Justify the statement. [ 2019]

2. Evidence shows that in practice, many democracies did not fulfil the expectations of producing economic development in the country. Validate the statement with the help of relevant examples. (2016)

Ans. Assessment of Success of Democracies in reducing economic inequalities:

(i) We find growing economic inequalities in democratic countries.

(ii) A small number of ultra-rich enjoys a highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes.

(iii) Their share in the total income of the country has been increasing.

(iv) The income of poor has been declining and sometimes they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life.

(v) Though democracies gradually reducing the number of poor from poverty and hunger.

Another Answer:

Democracies are expected to reduce economic disparities. There should be just distribution of goods and opportunities. But democracies are not able to provide economic justice to people.

But the democracies are not successful in reducing economic inequalities •

  • We find growing economic inequalities with some very rich and some very poor
  • A small number of ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth. Their share in the total income of the country is has been rising •
  • Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend on. Their income is declining. Sometimes they find it difficult to meet the basic needs of life-food, clothing, house, education
  • The political parties do not appear keen to address the questions of poverty.
  • Example- In Bangladesh more than half of people lives in poverty
  • It is also true that several poor countries are dependent on the rich countries for food supplies. Example- In S. Africa and Brazil the top 20% people share more than 60% of the national income and the bottom 20 % people share less than 3% in the national income.

We can say that economic disparities and inequalities are increasing in democracy. The governments do not appear to be successful in providing economic justice.

2. Establish the relationship between democracy and the development. (2016, 12)

Ans. Relationship between democracy and development

i. Democracies are expected to produce economic development

ii. Inability of Democracy to achieve higher economic development is a matter of worry

iii. The economic development depends on several factors like-

  • Population size of the country
  • Global situations
  • Cooperation from other countries
  • Economic priorities and policies of govt

iv. The dictatorships are slightly better from democracies in terms of economic achievements

v. But it is better to prefer democracy because it has many other positive outcomes.

Democracy & Accommodation of Social Diversity

1. How is social diversity accommodated in democracy? Explain with examples. (2017)
OR. On the basis of which values will it be a fair expectation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life? Explain. (2018, 12, 13)

OR. “Democracy accommodates social diversities.” Support the statement with examples. [2016]

Ans. Democracy accommodates social diversities:

(i) Democracies develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of social tensions becoming explosive or violent.

(ii) No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. But we can certainly learn to respect these differences and can evolve a mechanism to negotiate these differences.

(iii) Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts is thus a definite plus point of democratic regimes.

(iv) Example: Belgium has successfully negotiated differences among its ethnic population. This reduces the possibility of tensions.

Another Answer:

Democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens –

(i) Democracy accommodates various social divisions.

(ii) Democracy reduces the possibility of tensions becoming explosive and violent.

(iii) Ability to handle social differences and conflicts among different groups is a plus point of democracy.

(iv) Democracy develops procedure to conduct healthy competitions among different groups in a society.

(v) Democracy respects differences and provides mechanism to resolve them.

(vi) Democracy always accommodates minority view.

2. What are the two conditions to accommodate social diversities in a democracy? Mention any one exception to this. [2015]

Ans. Two conditions necessary to accommodate the social diversity

I. Democracy is not simply the rule of majority •

  • Majority and minority should work together to produce a general view for the government •
  • Majority and minority opinions are not permanent

II. Rule by majority does not mean rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group •

  • Rule by majority means different persons or groups have a chance to form a majority •
  • The true democracy creates conditions fit for every citizen to be part of a majority at some point of time •
  • The democratic rule ceases (stops working) to be accommodative (sab ko saath le ke chalna) when it bars someone from being a part of a majority. •
  • An exceptional example of Sri Lanka- Here the policy of majoritarianism is followed.

Dignity & Freedom of Citizens

1. “Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual.” Justify this statement. (2018, 17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11)
OR. “Respect and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society”. Examine the statement. [SQP-2020]

Ans. “Democracy stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom of the citizens”:

(i) Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings.

(ii) The passion for respect and freedom are basis of democracy.

(iii) Democracies throughout the world have recognized this. It has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies.

(iv) Long struggles by women have got them respect and equal treatment and now accepted as necessary ingredients of a democratic society.

(v) In many democracies, women were deprived of their right to vote for a long time which they have achieved now.

(vi) In India, 1/3rd of seats has been reserved for women in local bodies.

(vii) Democracy has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.

(viii) Legal basis which works on the principle of individual freedom and dignity

Another Answer:

Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual –

(i) Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings.

(ii) The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.

(iii) Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated groups for equal status and equal opportunities.

(iv) It provides methods to resolve conflicts

Another Answer:

Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government for promoting dignity and freedom of the individuals.

  • Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings.
  • The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy and democracies recognise this, at least, in principle.

Dignity of Women and democracy

  • Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity that respect to women and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients (elements or parts) of a democracy.
  • Once the principal of equality of women is recognised, it becomes easier for women to struggle for their Rights and place in society.
  • The recognition of the principal of individual freedom renders legal and moral force to struggle by women.
  • There are several laws and provisions in Constitution to recognise the equal status of women.

Caste inequalities and democracy

  • Democracy in India had strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity. •
  • Now caste-based inequalities and atrocities lack moral and legal foundation.
  • People are aware and now they value their democratic rights •
  • Such benefits and considerations may not be available in non-democratic regimes.

Complaints Against Democracy is a Testimony to Its Success

1. ‘Complaints are treated as testimony to the success of democracy.’ Justify this statement. (2018)
‘A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project.’ Justify the statement. (2016)

Ans. Complaints are treated as testimony: It shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect and to look critically at power holders and the high and the mighty. A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic project. It transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen.

Another Answer:

(i) It shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect.

(ii) People look critically at power holders. They want to make democracy better.

(iii) They come up with expressions and complaints.

(iv) They value their democratic rights.

Another Answer:

Public dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democracy

  • People have ever-increasing expectations from democracy
  • The most distinctive about democracy is that its examination is never over.
  • Benefits of democracy make people ask for more and it makes democracy even better.
  • The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony (witness or sakshya) to the success of democracy.
  • People are aware of their rights to criticize the Govt and it keeps the power holders in check
  • Public dissatisfaction with government shows the success of the democratic project
  • People are aware of the power of their votes to make the Govt function to their own self-interest

Criticism of Democracy

1. ‘Democracy is seen to be good in principle but felt to be not so good in practice.’ Justify the statement. (2016, 13)
OR. ‘Some people think that democracy produces a less effective government.’ analyse the statement. (2015)

Ans. Democracy is seen to be good in principles but not in practice because of the following reasons:

(i) The decision-making process in a democracy is time-taking, whereby justice delayed is justice denied.

(ii) The tyranny of the majority overrides the will of the minority.

(iii) Corruption and red-tapism dominate the functioning of democracies.

(iv) An illiterate and uninformed electorate fails to give itself a legitimate and accountable government.

(v) The role of charismatic leaders and dynastic politics dominates political cultures.

Another Answer:

Some people think that democracy produces a less effective government because there is delay in decision making.

  • Democracy is based on the idea of deliberations and negotiations and some delay is bound to take place
  • Non-democratic rulers don’t bother about debates, deliberation in assemblies or public opinion and therefore they are able in quick decision making and implementation
  • The democracies follow norms and procedures to arrive at decisions. The decisions taken are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective.
  • Non-democratic regimes take decisions very fast but it may not be acceptable to the people.

The actual performance of democracies shows a mixed record.

  • Democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to every citizen. •
  • Democratic governments do not have good record regarding sharing information with citizens. •
  • Democracies often frustrate the needs of people •
  • Ignore demands of the majority
  • Democracies are not free from the evil of corruption
  • Democracies not successful in reducing economic disparities. (for detail see above related topics)
  • Some other demerits • Unstable governments, inefficient governments, red-tapism , role of money in democracy etc

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