CBSE is likely to release Date-Sheets soon. It is likely that exams would not be delayed much as being rumoured. The datasheet for the practical exams will be released first, officials said. The board will release date-sheet for all three streams – science, commerce, and arts – on its official website cbse.nic.in.
Students must be aware that CBSE has already recently released the latest sample papers with marking scheme, leading to speculations that the board is planning to hold the exam on time. These sample papers have been prepared as per the reduced CBSE syllabus. These sample papers will help the students appearing for the board examinations to know the format of questions that will be followed by the CBSE.
The CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet 2021 can be downloaded (after announcement) by following these steps:
Step 1- Visit the official website- cbse.nic.in
Step 2- Go to the column of ‘recent announcements’
Step 3: Click on the link that reads Class 12 date sheet 2021
Step 3- A PDF file of the date sheet of CBSE Class 12 will open
Step 4- Download the file and take a print out
While the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations are held in Feb-March every year, and the practical examinations in January or February, the board may postpone the board exams in 2021 due to the coronavirus crisis but students are advised to plan their studies and revision schedule as if exams would be held on time.