The Making of a Scientist Class 10 English Extra Questions

CBSE Last Years’ Questions: The making of a Scientist

Q. 1. You have been requested to write a brief blog post for a Science blog for kids on the theme-‘Science is Real’.
Based on your understanding of the chapter, write the blog highlighting how science pervades every
aspect of our lives.
You may begin like this:
Monday, October 19, 2021
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [CBSE QB 2021]

Monday, October 19, 2021


It’s true that above line is telling us about the significance of science in our lives. It indeed is our life, the be all and end all of our existence on this very special planet mother earth. Many scientific discoveries and inventions have changed the course of our life, from a food gatherer man became a food producer; it’s all thanks to greatness of science. It has revolutionised the entire world around. No man is left free without his dependence on scientific inventions and discoveries. So, we can say truly ‘Science is life’.

Q. Albert Einstein said, ‘The important thing is to never stop questioning.’ Richard was a genius who proved this quote true. Justify. [QB 2021]  

Ans. Richard Ebright was a brilliant student. He had an urge to discover something new always. Albert Einstein’s quote ‘The important thing is to never stop questioning’ suits Ebright perfectly. Since childhood, Ebright was a curious child. He used to read a lot of books and research on several theories. When he lost in his first entry at the county science fair, he didn’t stop trying. He learned that to win, he had to do a real experiment and not just a display. Then he asked Dr. Urquhart about the ideas to work on ‘insects to win the fair. Finally, he won the first prize in his second attempt. Later, he worked on Monarch pupa’s gold spots and how cells read their DNA. He never satisfied himself after accomplishing his task. Nor did he stop trying after failing at his attempt. He was determinant student who kept trying. 

Q. Imagine Richard wrote a letter to his mother when he was studying at Harvard University for motivating him and being a constant source of support throughout his growing up years. Write that letter of gratitude as Richard.
You may begin like this:
Harvard University
20 September 1981
Mrs. Ebright
Dear Mom
It’s been long since I’ve written to you. ……………………………… [CBSE QB 2021]


Harvard University
20 September 1981
Mrs. Ebright

Dear Mom

It’s been long since I’ve written to you. I miss you a lot here. You have always been my pillar of strength and morale. I couldn’t imagine being a scientist without your unconditional support. I remember when father passed away, I was in third grade, my world was shattered as he was my biggest support and my best friend. But the way you managed me with your love and support, I can never be enough thankful for that. You became my best friend, my teacher and my guardian angel. I will always be grateful to you. You have developed the enthusiasm of learning about butterflies in me since childhood. Today I am who I am only because of your hard work and guidance. I love you so much.

With Love,

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