‘The Necklace’ Class 10 Extra Questions CBSE Question Bank: These extra questions are collected from CBSE Question Bank [QB] and other matters for students provided by CBSE. These questions will help students in preparing for the Board exams.
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CBSE Question Bank (QB)
Q. Madam Loisel now knew the horrible life of necessity. Do you think Madam Loisel accepted this change willingly? Give two reasons in support of your answer. [CBSE QB, 2021]
Ans. Yes, I think Mme Loisel accepted this change willingly due to the following reasons
(i) She understood that in order to pay the debt, she would have to cut down on her luxuries.
(ii) She learned the work of kitchen, washed the clothes, brought up the water from the street and sent away the maid to help save money to pay off the debt.
Q. Mention two things you would have done, other than what M Loisel did, to help resolve the problem of the lost necklace. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Ans. The two things I would done, other than M Loisel did, to help resolve the problem of the lost necklace are
(i) I would have told Mme Forestier the truth about what happened and asked for her forgiveness.
(ii) I would also have promised her to replace the necklace as soon as possible.
Q. Mention one of the most pleasurable things, according to you, that money can’t buy and support your choice with an appropriate reason. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Ans. Money can buy us everything but satisfaction and peace of mind one should always be happy with what one is having and not think of what there’s to have. A person can earn loads of money and still be unsatisfied and unhappy. There might be a lack of understanding or love between spouses which money can’t buy.
Q. Imagine Matilda got to know that M Loisel had given her four hundred francs, which he had saved to buy a gun. How do you think she would have reacted? [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Ans. I don’t think so she would have reacted any better. She was self-conscious woman who only thought of her own comforts in life. Though her husband M Loisel loved her dearly, she never reciprocated in the same way as he did throughout the story. She was highly impulsive and impatient woman who reacted very angrily to the situation. Even if she would have come to know that M. Loisel had kept that money to buy that gun she would not have bothered as she wanted to look the best in the ball.
Q. Madam Forestier writes a diary entry after having met Matilda, knowing the truth and seeing the
transformation in her friend. Write a short diary entry as Madam Forestier about your encounter and
how you felt. You may begin like this. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
20th July, Monday 9:00 pm I couldn’t recognise Matilda at all. I wish she had told me the truth about the necklace |
20th July Monday 9:00 pm
I couldn’t recognise Matilda at all. I wish she had told me the truth about the necklace. I can’t even imagine what hardships Matilda had to face over these ten years that her appearance changed drastically. I feel guilty of the fact that Matila and her husband had to live a life of extreme poverty for a necklace that wasn’t more than five hundred francs. Only if Matilda had told me the truth of losing the necklace, she wouldn’t have to go through this adversity.
Madam Forestier
Q. Imagine you’re one of the columnists in a magazine. People write to you about their issues, seeking your advice.
Matilda writes to you about the guilt she feels for having lost a necklace and how it changed the course of her life and her husband’s. What would be your advice to her? [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Ans. My advice to Matilda:
Well Matilda!
Whatever happens, happens for the best. Matilda, bring a sense of acceptance in her. Acceptance of reality is very important to be happy and satisfied in life. Once a person accepts who she/he is and all the things that life offers her/him, nobody can drag her/him down. Just take it a destiny Matilda and need to accept the fact that you were destined to be born in a poor family and get married to a simple clerk who couldn’t afford any riches.
Going beyond your reaches brings troubles and worries. You have already experienced it a lot now So, now think of brighter side of life and learn from your mistakes. I am sure you will be out of it soon. Once you have overcome it, it is sure this lesson would help you understand that contentment is key to happiness.
Q. Matilda goes home after meeting Madam Forestier after ten years and shares the fact with M Loisel that the necklace was a false one. Write the dialogue between Matilda and M Loisel.
Matilda: I don’t know how to tell you this but I met Madam Forestier today and she told me that her necklace was
M Loisel: What! I can’t believe my ears. That huge debt was for nothing!
Matilda: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
M Loisel: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Ans. Dialogue between Matilda and M. Loisel ______
Matilda: I don’t know how to tell you this but I met Madam Forestier today and she told me that her necklace was false one.
M Loisel: What! I can’t believe my ears. That huge debt was for nothing!
Matilda: Yes, M Loisel it is really surprising that we had to go through so much. I don’t know what God had in store for us.
M Loisel: Shocking it is really! Unbelievable. She told you all this herself.
Matilda: Madam Forestier was shocked, even she could believe that we had to go through so much just for the sake of this false necklace.
M Loisel: Now what do you think we should do?
Matilda: Well! We can ask her to give back the real diamond necklace to us. So, that we can repay our debts.
M Loisel: What if she refuses?
Matilda: Well! Madam Forestier is a friend of mine. She will never refuse. I am sure. Let me just speak to her.
M Loisel: Do what you feel like.
Q. Your teacher conducted a Turn Tables in class, and asked you to put forth your views on ‘Frugality in Life is the Ideal Way to Live’.
Write the debate script with points to supplement your stand, both for and against the motion and conclude with your own views.
Ans. You (students) attempt yourself.
Q. One of your friends has to attend a class party at his / her school and wants to purchase the most expensive clothes and shows. He/ She feels that this would make him/ her stand out in the crowd.
You receive a call from your friend seeking advice on this matter. Write down that telephonic conversation between your friend and yourself.
You may begin this way:
Friend: Hey, I want an honest opinion from you. Will you please help me?
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Friend: So, there’s this class party I have to attend. It’s a big deal!
You: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
Friend: Hey, I want an honest opinion from you. Will you please help me?
I: Of course, I will. Tell me about it?
Friend: So, there’s this class party I have to attend. It’s a big deal! Now I am in dilemma over what to buy and how much to spend to get a recognition there.
I: Ha ha ha ha ! Not so difficult my dear! You know, every person would look the same in similar type of fashion that they would carry in the party. However, if you will adhere to your personality, to who you are and will go in something that suits your personality rather than going with the trend, I am sure you will rock it.
Friend: That’s a good idea. Let me just try it. You are the best adviser when it comes to suggest something
Thanks, any ways for such an enlightenment my friend Ha, ha ha !
Q. 3. Read the following quote. [CBSE-QB, 2021]
“We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.” – Mitch Albom
Matilda was never satisfied with her life and desired more. The given quote reflects her character. Justify.
Ans. Matilda always longed for glamour and luxuries in her life. She just loved all things material and had very less emotions. The fact that she had such a loving and caring husband with whom she had a good, simple life wasn’t sufficient for her. She never accepted her poor reality and was never grateful for all the good things that she had in her life including a loving and caring honest husband.
Her husband gave her the money he had saved just to make her happy but even after spending it in buying a dress, she yearned for jewels. This yearning led to troubles in her and husband’s life and they spent 10 years in poverty. While she did all her household tasks.
M. Loisel worked day and night. In the end, she looked old and troubled, and discovered that the necklace didn’t even cost so much and that all their troubles and debt was for nothing.
If she had accepted and been happy with what they had, none of her troubles would have occurred. Her greedy and dissatisfied nature led both of them to live a miserable life full of extreme poverty.
Q. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [CBSE QB 2021]
“She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and luxuries. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the worn chairs. All these things tortured and angered her. When she seated herself for dinner opposite her husband who uncovered the tureen with a delighted air, saying, “Oh! the good potpie! I know nothing better than that…,” she would think of elegant dinners of shining silver; she thought of the exquisite food served in marvellous dishes. She had neither frocks nor jewels, nothing. And she loved only those things. She had a rich friend, a schoolmate at the convent, who she did not like to visit- she suffered so much when she returned. She wept for whole days from despair and disappointment.”
(A) Choose the option that list the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract:
(1) Matilda was very pleased with her life.
(2) Matilda envied her friend for being well-off.
(3) M. Loisel didn’t appreciate what Matilda cooked.
(4) Matilda despised the fact that she lived a life of poverty.
(5) Matilda never felt troubled, though she desired a luxurious life.
(6) Matilda thought of grand dinners and silverware sitting at the dinner table.
(7) Matilda felt depressed after visiting her friend.
(a) (1), (3) & (6)
(b) (3), (5) & (7)
(c) (1), (3) & (5)
(d) (2), (4) & (7)
(B) Which word does ‘delicacies’ NOT correspond to?
(a) etherealness
(b) elegance
(c) exquisiteness
(d) robustness
(C) Choose the answer that lists the correct option of what a ‘tureen’ is?

(i) Option (a)
(ii) Option (b)
(iii) Option (c)
(iv) Option (d)
(D) Choose the characteristic displayed by M. Loisel in the extract:
(a) conceited
(b) contended
(c) appeased
(d) subdued
(E) The extract uses the phrase ‘elegant dinners’. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to the word ‘elegant’?

(i) Option (a)
(ii) Option (b)
(iii) Option (c)
(iv) Option (d)
B. (d)
C. (iii)
D. (b)
E. (b)
Q. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [CBSE QB 2021]
“He was silent, stupefied, in dismay, at the sight of his wife weeping. He stammered, “What is the matter? What is the matter?” By a violent effort, she had controlled her vexation and responded in a calm voice, wiping her moist cheeks, “Nothing. Only I have no dress and consequently I cannot go to this affair. Give your card to some colleague whose wife is better fitted out than I.’’ He was grieved, but answered, “Let us see, Matilda. How much would a suitable costume cost, something that would serve for other occasions, something very simple?” She reflected for some seconds thinking of a sum that she could ask for without bringing with it an immediate refusal and a frightened exclamation from the economical clerk.”
1. What does ‘economical clerk’ indicate?
(a) M Loisel was a spend thrift even though he earned a lot.
(b) M Loisel was thrifty as he had a meagre income.
(c) M Loisel calculated money all the time as he was a clerk.
(d) M Loisel was stingy about money and didn’t spend it
2. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the people below:

(a) F-1, 2 and O-3, 4
(b) F-3, O-1,2, 4
(c) F-2, 4, O-1,3
(d) F-2, 3, 4, O-1
3. Pick the correct set that matches with the feelings of the highlighted words related to the characters:
Matilda: By a violent effort, she had controlled…
M Loisel: He was grieved….
(i) Matilda felt aggressive; M Loisel was troubled
(ii) Matilda was irritated; M Loisel was upset and cried
(iii) Matilda tried extremely hard; M Loisel felt intense sorrow
(iv) Matilda was quite calm; M Loisel’s heart ached for love
(a) Option i)
(b) Option ii)
(c) Option iii)
(d) Option iv)
4. M Loisel was astonished seeing his wife’s reaction. He writes a diary entry that night. Complete the entry by with the missing words, by choosing the correct option.
11 January, Monday 9:00 pm I thought Matilda would be (i) __ seeing the invitation in my hand. However, her reaction has left me (ii)______. I don’t know how I would be able to (iii)___ a new dress for her. |
(a) (i) vexed (ii) disturbed (iii) bring
(b) (i) elated (ii) disturbed iii) afford
(c) (i) keen (ii) depressed (iii) bring
(d) (i) elated (ii) distressed (iii) afford
5. Choose the option that gives the most appropriate response to the statement made by the speaker.

(a) I think Matilda was being unreasonable and unrealistic.
(b) I feel that M Loisel loved Matilda and wanted her to be happy.
(c) In my opinion M Loisel was being too harsh with Matilda.
(d) I feel that M Loisel should not have brought the invite home.
- (b) M Loisel was thrifty as he had a meagre income.
- (b) F-3, O-1,2, 4 [Explanation: Options (1), (2) and (4) have words like “I think/don’t think” and “I feel” that states the opinion of a person while (3) is stating a fact. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
- (c) option (iii)
- (d) (i) elated ii) distressed (iii) afford
- (b) I feel that M Loisel loved Matilda and wanted her to be happy.