Words Used as Different Parts of Speech in English Grammar

There are many words which can be used as more than one parts of speech in a sentence.  A word is tagged or associated with any parts of speech on the basis of its use and function in a sentence.

ऐसे कई शब्द हैं जिनका प्रयोग एक वाक्य में एक से अधिक ‘पार्ट्स ऑफ स्पीच’ (शब्द भेद) के रूप में किया जा सकता है। किसी शब्द को वाक्य में उसके उपयोग और कार्य के आधार पर किसी ‘पार्ट्स ऑफ स्पीच’ (शब्द भेद) के साथ टैग या संबद्ध किया जाता है।

See the following examples showing the word ‘water’ used as ‘noun’ and ‘verb’ in a single sentence.

water – पानी (noun) – refers to a thing (यहाँ पर ‘water’ एक संज्ञा है क्योंकि यहाँ इसे एक वस्तु के रूप में दिखाया गया है)

water – पानी देना (verb) – refers to the action of giving water (irrigate) to the plants. (यहाँ ‘water’ एक क्रिया है क्योंकि यहाँ ये एक कार्य यानी पौधों को पानी देने या सींचने के कार्य के रूप में दिखाया गया है।

drop – गिरावट (noun) – refers to an expected position level of price (यहाँ ‘गिरावट’ की स्थिति की बात की जा रही है)

drop – गिरना (verb) – refers to the action of fall in prices (‘गिरने’ की क्रिया की तरफ इशारा है यहाँ)

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Same words used as different ‘parts of Speech’

Examples of some words used a different ‘parts of Speech’

WordParts of SpeechExample Sentence
ABOUT AdverbHis books were lying about on the floor.
PrepositionThe book is about flowers.
AdjectiveUsed as idiom ‘be about to do something’ (कुछ कार्य जल्द ही करने या होने की बात )
example: I was just about to call you on phone.
ABOVEAdverb.Go above and bring the newspaper.
Preposition.The children above the age of 10 are not allowed.
Adjective.You can contact us the above address.
AFTER Adverb.They arrived soon after.
Preposition.He takes after his father.
AdjectiveAfter ages shall sing his glory.
ConjunctionWe went away after they had left.
ALL AdjectiveAll men are mortal. Its was all profit and no loss.
AdverbHe has all alone when I saw him.
PronounAll spoke in his favour.
NounHe lost his all in speculation.
ANYAdjectiveAre there any witnesses present ?
PronounDoes any of you know anything about it ?
AdverbIs that any better ?
AS AdverbWe walked as fast as we could.
ConjunctionAs he was poor I helped him.
Relative PronounShe likes the same colour as I do.
BEFOREAdverbI have seen you before.
PrepositionHe came before the appointed time.
ConjunctionHe went away before I came.
BETTERAdjectiveI think yours is a better plan.
AdverbI know better.
NounGive place to your betters.
Verb.The boxes with which he provided me bettered the sample. – Froude
BOTHAdjectiveYou cannot have it both ways.
PronounBoth of them are dead.
ConjunctionBoth the cashier and the accountant are Hindus.
BUTAdverbIt is but (only) right to admit our faults.
PrepositionNone but (except) the brave deserves the fair.
ConjunctionWe tried hard, but did not succeed.
Relative PronounThere is no one but likes him. (=who does not like him
CATCHVerbHe caught her up in his arms.
NounHe dropped several easy catches.
DOWNAdverbDown went the “Royal George.”
PrepositionThe fire engine came rushing down the hill.
AdjectiveThe porter was killed by the down train.
NounHe has seen the ups and downs of life.
VerbDown with the tyrant !
EITHERAdjectiveEither bat is good enough.
PronounAsk either of them.
ConjunctionHe must either work or starve.
ELSEAdjectiveI have something else for you.
AdverbShall we look anywhere else.
ConjunctionMake haste, else you will miss the train.
ENOUGHAdjectiveThere is time enough and to spare.
AdverbYou know well enough what I mean.
NounI have had enough of this.
EVENAdjectiveThe chances are even.
VerbLet us even the ground.
AdverbDoes he even suspect the danger ?
EXCEPTVerbIf we except Hari, all are to be blamed.
PrepositionAll the brethren were in Egypt except Benjamin.
ConjunctionI will not let thee go except (=unless) thou bless me ($415).
FORPrepositionI can shift for myself.
ConjunctionGive thanks unto the Lord ; for He is good.
LESSAdjectiveYou are paying less attention to your studies than you used to do .
AdverbThe population of India is less than that of China.
NounHe wants Rs. 500 for that watch. He won’t be satisfied with less.
LIKEAdjectiveThey are men of like build and stature.
PrepositionDo not talk like that.
AdverbLike as a father pitieth his own children.
NounWe shall not see his like again.
VerbChildren like sweets.
LITTLEAdjectiveThere is little danger in going there.
NounMan wants but little here below.
AdverbHe eats very little.
MOREAdjectiveWe want more men like him.
PronounMore of us die in bed than out of it.
AdverbYou should talk less and work more.
MUCHAdjectiveThere is much sense in what he says.
PronounMuch of it is true.
AdverbHe boasts too much.
NEARPrepositionHis house is near the temple.
AdjectiveHe is a near relation.
VerbThe time nears.
NEEDSNounMy needs are few.
VerbIt needs to be done with care.
AdverbHe needs must come.
NEITHERConjunctionGive me neither poverty nor riches.
AdjectiveNeither accusation is true.
PronounIt is difficult to negotiate where neither will trust.
NEXTAdjectiveI shall see you next Monday.
AdverbWhat next ?
PrepositionHe was sitting next to her.
NounI shall tell you more about it in my next.
NOAdjectiveIt is no joke.
AdverbHe is no more.
Noun.I will not take a no.
ONCEAdverbI was young once.
ConjunctionOnce he hesitates we have him.
NounPlease help me for once.
ONEAdjectiveOne day I met him in the street.
PronounThe little ones cried for joy.
NounOne would think he was mad.
ONLYAdjectiveIt was his only chance.
AdverbHe was only foolish.
ConjunctionTake what I have, only (= but) let me go.
OVERAdverbRead it over carefully.
NounIn one over he took three wickets.
PrepositionAt thirty a change came over him.
RIGHTVerbThat is a fault that will right itself.
AdjectiveHe is the right man for the position.
NounI ask it as a right.
AdverbServes him right ! He stood right in my way.
ROUNDAdjectiveA square peg in around hole.
NounThe evening was a round of pleasures.
AdverbHe came round to their belief.
PrepositionThe earth revolves round the sun.
VerbWe shall round the cape in safety.
SINCEPrepositionSince that day I have not seen him.
ConjunctionSince there’s no help, come, let us kiss and part.
AdverbI have not seen him since.
SOAdverbI am so sorry.
ConjunctionHe was poor, so, they helped him.
SOMEAdjectiveWe must find some way out of it.
Pronoun.Some say one thing and others another.
AdverbSome thirty chiefs were present.
STILLVerbWith his name the mothers still their babes .
AdjectiveStill waters run deep.
NounHer sobs could be heard in the still of night.
AdverbHe is still in business.
SUCHAdjectiveDon’t be in such a hurry.
PronounSuch was not my intention.
THATDemonstrative AdjectiveWhat is that noise ?.
Demonstrative PronounThat is what I want.
Adverb.I have done that much only.
Relative PronounThe evil that men do lives after them.
ConjunctionHe lives so that he may eat.
THEArticleThe cat loves comfort.
AdverbThe wiser he is, the better.
TILLPrepositionNever put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
ConjunctionDo not start till I give the word.
UPAdverbPrices are up.
PrepositionLet us go up the hill.
AdjectiveThe next up train will leave here at 12.30.
Noun.They had their ups and downs of fortune.
WELLNounLet well alone.
AdjectiveI hope you are now well.
AdverbWell begun is half done.
InterjectionWell, who would have thought it ?
WHATInter AdjectiveWhat evidence have you got ?
InterjectionWhat ! you don’t mean to say so ?
Inter PronounWhat does he want ?
Relative PronounGive me what you can. What happened then, I do not know.
Adverb.What by fire and what by sword, the whole country was laid waste.
WHILENoun.Sit down and rest a while.
Verb.They while away their evenings with books and games.
Conjunction.While a great poet, he is a greater novelist.
WHYInterrogative AdverbWhy did you do it ?
Relative AdverbI know the reason why he did it.
Interjection.Why it is surely Nanak !
NounThis is not the time to go into the why and the wherefore of it.
YETAdverbThere is more evidence yet to be offered.
ConjunctionHe is willing, yet unable.
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This Post Has One Comment

  1. vikas

    I agree with you …Wren and Martin is an awesome book.

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