Constitutional Design Extra Question Notes NCERT Civics Class 9

Constitutional Design Class 9 Extra Questions: Constitutional Design is the second chapter in the Class 9 NCERT Political Science Textbook. It deals with the anxieties of the makers of the constitution of India. The various guiding factors behind making the constitution. The constituent assembly and its members. The philosophy of the Indian Constitution. Here are given some extra questions for the chapter ‘Constitutional Design’ to guide students through a thorough understanding of the chapter.

Class 9 Constitutional Design Notes & Questions

1. What is a Constitution?


  • A Constitution is a body of rules and laws according to which a state or organisation is governed. The constitution of a country is the supreme law of the land.
  • It specifies the form of government. It defines the functions, powers and limitations of the government and relationship among different organs like the legislature, executive and the Judiciary.
  • A constitution also serves as a set of ideals that the society should adhere to and live by.

2. Why do we need a constitution?


What role does a constitution plays in a country?


  • First, it generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for different kind of people to live together as it is necessary for the integrity of the country.
  • Second, it specifies how the government is constituted and what are the powers of different organs to take decisions.
  • Third, it lays down limits on the powers of government and tells us for the rights of citizens are which the government should respect and protect.
  • Fourth, a constitution also reflects the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.

3. What were the causes of anxiety for the makers of the Indian Constitution?


  • India was emerging as an Independent nation but it was also facing a violent partition that had taken more than ten lakh lives on the both the sides.
  • The princely states were given option to either merge with India or Pakistan or remain free.
  • The current situations in India were making the makers of the constitution about the future of India.

4. Mention the factors that contributed toward making of the Indian Constitution.


  • The makers of the Indian Constitution did not have to bother about the shape of democracy for India through a constitution as the freedom struggle of India against the British rule was also, I struggle to rejuvenate our country and to transform our society and politics. The freedom struggle itself reflected the future of India as a democracy.
  • The Karachi session of the Indian National Congress in 1931 as well as the Constitution drafted in 1928 by Motilal Nehru and others, showed commitment towards including universal adult franchise, right to freedom and dignity and to protecting the rights of minorities in independent India.
  • The Constitution borrowed a lot from the government of India act, 1935 that led to the elections to the provincial legislatures held in 1937.  The political institutions of colonial rule and the working of the legislative institutions helped Indians gain experience that they used in framing the institutional design for India.
  • The ideals of the French Revolution, the parliamentary democracy in Britain, bill of rights in the US and the socialist revolution in Russia had inspired the makers of the Indian Constitution to base it on social and economic equality as much as the political equality.

5. How was the Constituent Assembly of India constituted and what was his task?


  • The constituent assembly was constituted in 1946 under the provisions of the Cabinet Mission plan. The members of the assembly were indirectly elected in 1946 by the provincial legislatures. The assembly had 389 members but as a result of the partition of the country its membership was reduced to 299.
  • The first meeting of the catchment assembly was held on 9 December 1946. The Constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949. It came into effect on 26 January 1950 which is celebrated as the Republic Day of India.
  • During debates, Jawahar Lal Nehru had said that the task of the constituent assembly was ‘to free India through a new constitution to feed the starving people…. and to give every Indian the fullest opportunity to develop himself according to his capacity.’ (Constituent Assembly Debates)

6. Why should we accept the constitution which was made more than? 70 years ago?


  • The Constitution does not reflect only the views of the constitution makers. It expresses the broad consensus of its time.
  • The constituent assembly was indirectly elected but had quite fair representation of members from different geographical regions, religions, language groups, castes, classes and occupations. elected indirectly by the members of the Provincial Legislatures.
  • No any major social group or political party has questioned the legitimacy of the constitution.
  • The assembly worked in a systematic and consensual manner. clause by clause, several rounds of discussion took place on the Draft Constitution before adopting any clause.
  • Constituent Assembly debates provide the rationale behind every provision of the constitution. The members debated for 114 days spread over 3 years (2 years, 11 months, 18 days). Evey debate is recorded and preserved.

7. What dreams did Mahatma Gandhi have about India and its Constitution?


  • In 1931, Mahatma Gandhi had written that he wanted the Constitution to strive for the following
  • Releasing India from the thraldom and patronage.
  • Even the poorest should have say in the making of the country.
  • Building a country where with no social discrimination of high and low classes and where all communities would live in harmony.
  • Removing the curse of untouchability and intoxicating drinks and drugs. Providing equal status to women and men.

8. What contradictions did Dr Ambedkar talk about?


  • Dr Ambedkar talked about the contradictions between the political equality and the real social and economic inequality.
  • On one hand there is one person, one vote and one value whereas on the other hand the social and economic structure of our society denies this equality.

9. What were the highlights of the speech ‘tryst with destiny’ made by Jawahar Lal Nehru on 15 August 1947?


  • The past was sorrowful but Freedom was taking birth and its future lies in our hand.
  • Redeem one’s pledge to dedicate oneself to the service of India and her people.
  • Understand that the freedom and power mean responsibility to remove the sorrows and sufferings of people by eradicating poverty, ignorance and wiping tears from their eyes.

10. Write a short note on the Preamble of the Constitution.


  • Preamble is the soul of the Constitution.
  • The values that guide India’s freedom struggle found its reflection in the preamble as the philosophy of the Constitution.
  • It also works as a standard benchmark butchers the actions of the government and its laws whether good or bad.

11. Explain the institutional design of the Indian Constitution.


  • Indian Constitution is the longest documented Constitution in the world.
  • To keep the Constitution updated the makers of the Indian Constitution had made provisions for incorporating Amendment provisions to adjust the Constitution with the changes taking place in the society and the aspirations of the people.
  • It lays down procedure for electing people’s representatives who would govern the country.
  • The Constitution also defines power of the government and its limitation by the fundamental rights of the citizen which cannot be piloted in normal circumstances.

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