Dust of Snow: Explanation and Analysis in Hindi

The poem Dust of Snow is short yet profound in meaning. It brings out the impact small things have in changing one’s attitude. By using the crow, the hemlock tree and the dust as symbols, the poet conveys the healing effect of nature on humans.

Dust of Snow Explanation in Hindi

Poem ‘Dust of Snow’

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

Central Idea

The poem dust of Snow is a simple poem but symbolically it has deeper meaning. The central idea of the poem is that even a small experience in life, can change once mood. A small happening can change your thought process for the future. Such small incidents may be caused by the ones we associate with ill omen, bad luck or negativity as the crow and the hemlock tree in the poem.  

The poet is standing under a hemlock tree on a winter day and snow-clad teas are there. Soon a crow comes sitting on the tree shaking the snow with snowflakes falling on the poet. The falling off snowflakes moved him. He was feeling depressed, sad and sullen before this incident of dust of snow falling on him. But after he goes through this experience, he feels refreshed and glad.  

His negative thoughts are gone and a positivity creeps in that the rest of the day he rued would go in waste would not go waste now just because of the dust of snow that touches his body but transforms his heart for a better Outlook in the future.

Stanza Wise Explanation

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

The poet recounts a small incident that changed his mood. Once, the poet was in a depressed mood and was hopeless and was out walking on a wintry day.

He was standing (It is not clear whether the poet was standing or passing under a hemlock tree. Suddenly, a crow sitting or perching on the tree, shook (the activity of crow stirred the snow) it and some powdery snow from the tree fell on the poet. 

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

The powdery snow which fell on the poet touched the poet in some way and changed his mood to happiness. Earlier, he was depressed and sad but the sudden shower and touch of snowflakes gladdened his heart.

Another impact of the incident was his coming over his feeling ruing the day. Till now the poet had spent a part of his day in sadness, but now he starts feeling refreshed. This incident saved some part of the poet’s day which he would have spent in regret.

This incident brings transformation in his thought process. He has now positive thoughts about the remaining part of the day that it would be pleasant or he is not going to waste it the way he did before the falling of the dust of snow.

Analysis of the Poem ‘Dust of Snow’

‘Dust of Snow’ is a beautiful short poem, written by Robert Frost. This poem tells that even a simple moment has a large impact and significance.

The first stanza is successful in explaining that three was gloom and hopelessness all around in the nature and the poet was a part of it.

In the first stanza the poet has mentioned a crow and a hemlock tree in this poem. Crow signifies his depressive and sorrowful mood and hemlock tree is a poisonous tree depicting no hope of revival. Both of these signify that the poet was not in a good mood and so he describes the dark, depressive and bitter side of nature to present his similar mood.  Winter is also known for keeping people inside with deserted streets and barren scenes.

In such a sad, depressive mood, the poet was sitting under a hemlock tree. A crow, sitting on the same tree, shook off the dust of snow i.e., small particles of snow that remain on the surface after the snowfall, on the poet

The second stanza brings another aspect of nature and shows how the transformation happens in the same natural setup.

The second stanza shows how this simple action of snow dust failing changed the poet’s mood. He realized that he had just wasted a part of his day repenting and being lost in sorrow. But the change in his mood made him realize that he should utilize the rest of the day in some useful activity. His sorrow was washed away by the light shower of snow dust. His spirit was revived and he got ready to utilize the rest of the day constructively.

The poem also highlights the healing touch of nature available freely to its beings. – A not any pre-planned small incident of nature with the help of natural elements heals a sad and sullen heart bringing a transformation of thought process about future outlook.  

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