A letter to God – Extra Questions
Q. How does the character of Lencho inspire us to have faith in God and remain calm in difficult situation?
Ans. Lencho, a hardworking and poor farmer, always worked as an ox in his field. He worked very hard to support his family and fulfil his needs. He was an optimist, but when his crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm, he became worried about his family. But he believed that God would help him in this difficult situation.
Lencho was an innocent man who did not know that there was no such a living person as God who could send him money to fulfil his needs. But due to his firm faith in God, he requested Him to send him hundred pesos.
His firm faith in God made him angry when he found only seventy pesos in the envelope and he called the post office employees a ‘bunch of crooks’. He believed that they had stolen his money because God could not do such a mistake.
This all shows his blind but firm faith in God and gives him a hope in his despair. We believe that people should have such kind of faith and attitude in difficult situation and should try a solution of their problems.
Q. Lencho’s faith in God was blind faith. Do you agree or not? Give reasons
Ans. Lencho may also be considered an innocent fellow, never doubting the existence of God. This motivated him to seek help from God, hence, he wrote a letter to God as one writes to a friend, asking for monetary help.
His firm faith in God made him angry when he found only seventy pesos instead of the full hundred in the envelope. He doubted the post office employees and called them a bunch of crooks. He believed that they had stolen his money since God could not have made such a mistake.
This shows that Lencho’s faith in God was firm but blind, and it made him doubt the intention of the very people who helped him in his time of need. I believe that people should have firm faith towards God and religion, but harbouring blind faith is wrong. It leads to anger and frustration.
Q. “Humanity still exists”, this is what get to know after reading ‘A Letter to God’ in which firm faith in God of a poor farmer and helpfulness of the post office employees are aptly depicted thought. Write a paragraph on the values in it, in about 120-150 words. Give the paragraph a suitable title.
Title: Humanity is the best beauty
The story enforces our faith in humanity. After reading the story, we know that there still are people who help others without any self-interest.
Here, the postmaster and other employees lay an example of humanity and kindness for others.
At first, they all laughed at Lencho’s letter to God because they knew that there was no such person but they were really moved by Lencho’s faith in God. They decided to help him to keep his faith alive and firm. Even though it was not possible for them to collect hundred pesos but any how they managed to collect seventy pesos and kept them in an envelope for Lencho. They signed on it ‘God’ except their own name. This act shows us the true picture of humanity and motivates us to be a noble and kind person.
Q. Describe Lencho’s qualities in light of his faith in God. Do you have faith in God like Lencho? Was Lencho’s reaction towards post office employees right?
Ans. Lencho was a poor farmer who totally depended on the harvest to survive and fulfil the basic needs of his family. Once his crops were destroyed due to heavy rainfall and hailstones, and he was afraid to think how his family would survive. He believed that God would help him in his plight.
He had firm faith in God, he believed that God would not let him be hungry. Nowadays faith in God like Lencho’s is almost impossible and unseen. People are very much aware that nobody is willing to help others without any self-interest.
Lencho’s reaction towards post office employees was not right or justified but it was just because of his innocence as he could not believe that God had done such a mistake. It were only the post office employees who had stolen money according to him.
Q. Are there people like the post office employees in real world? How did they help Lencho? What would you do if you were in place of the postmaster?
Ans. The postmaster and post office employees were very generous as they contributed for the act of charity. First they laughed when they saw Lencho’s letter to God, but soon they were impressed by his faith in God. They decided to send some money to Lencho so that this faith in God does not get shaken. They collected seventy pesos and sent it to Lencho.
When Lencho got the envelope and opened it to count money, he became angry. He again wrote a letter to God demanding the remaining thirty pesos. He thought that post office employees had taken away the remaining money, and called them a bunch of crooks, which was not justified.
Nowadays it is very rare (difficult) to find such a person like the postmaster. If I were in place of the postmaster, I would have done that so because it is always pleasing to help others and to keep their firm faith in humanity. Difficult situations can come to anyone and everyone wants a helping hand to overcome that condition.
Q. Write a character sketch of the postmaster.
Ans. The postmaster was an amiable and jovial fellow by nature. Though, at first the postmaster laughs at Lencho’s letter to God, but soon after, the latter’s firm faith in the Almighty both impresses and inspires him. At that moment, the readers learn about a different aspect of the postmaster that is kind and generous. He decides to reply to Lencho’s letter as God Himself because the former doesn’t want the latter to lose his faith in God. When he learns that Lencho needs money, the postmaster does not back out from his commitment to help Lencho. Instead, in order to collect the amount Lencho had asked for, he requests his employees and friends to contribute as much as they can ‘for an act of charity.’ He himself puts in a part of his salary for the good cause. The postmaster helps Lencho without any self-interest. He shows that humanity still exists.
Yes , as if we see from lencho’s point of view he was justified in calling the post office employees ‘a bunch of crooks’.
In the world today there are such peoples who take up any other’s commodities without caring that what will that mean to the real owner.And so was lencho’s feeling , when he saw just 70 pesos instead of 100 in the envelope. He was so firm in his believe that according to him god wouldn’t have made such a mistake.
We have posted your answer. Thank you for your comments. 😊
The answer to the question is in two folds.
Lencho was a man of great faith and devotion. He had so much confidence in God so he naturally thought that God couldn’t have given him just 70 pesos when he had asked for a hundred pesos. His extreme devotion and innocence led him to believe that the post office employees had stolen the money that God had sent for him. Whereas, in reality it was the post office employees who had sent him the 70 pesos in the first place.
But from a logical perspective, we could argue that Lencho was so blinded by faith that he was incapable of seeing the selfless compassion of the post office employees who wanted to help him. The fact that he called the post office employees a bunch of crooks, when all they did was try to help him could be a sign of arrogance and narrow mindedness. He also demands The remaining 30 pesos – this act could be interpreted as being entitled, demanding and ungrateful.
nice yaha answer likho question paper ma maat likh naa fail hona
Yes,As if we stand in lencho’s place he said truth ,Now in this world such people are more like lencho in word there is one or two people that’s all
Good & Correct
I like your answers it help me in exam and one question come from here thank you 💗
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