The Making of a Global World Extra Important Previous Years’ Topic Wise Questions Class 10 History CBSE

The Making of a Global World Important Questions asked in Class 10 History previous years’ CBSE Board Exams given here with topic wise classifications would help a lot in preparing for class 10 CBSE Board exams. Some questions have been provided with more than one answer version.

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Questions from CBSE Sample Q. Paper 2022-23

Q. Analyse any two factors that were responsible for the Great Depression in America during 1929. [CBSE SQP, 2022-23]

Ans. (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)

i. Agricultural overproduction remained a problem and it was made worse by falling agricultural prices.

ii. As prices slumped and agricultural incomes declined, farmers tried to expand production and bring a larger volume of produce to the market but it pushed down prices.

iii. In the mid-1920s, many countries financed their investments through loans from the US, it was extremely easy to raise loans in the US when the going was good.

iv. But in the first half of 1928 countries that depended crucially on US loans faced an acute crisis.

v. The withdrawal of US loans affected the rest of the world in different ways In Europe it led to the failure of small major banks and the collapse of currencies such as the British pound sterling.

vi. Any other relevant point (Page – 94)

Q. What helped in the colonisation of Asian and African countries? Identify the correct statement from the following options. [CBSE SQP, 2022-23]

A. Intergovernmental policies for the expansion of trade
B. Governmental invite to the mother countries for expansion
C. Technology, investments and improvement in transport
D. Capitalists of these regions wanted trade with colonial powers

Ans. C- Technology, investments and improvement in transport (Page – 83)

The Pre-Modern World

Note: Answers are based on CBSE marking Schemes. These answers can be elaborated upon to fit the word limit requirement as per the exam paper.

Q. How were the silk routes a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links? Explain. (CBSE Board, Term-I 2012) 

Q. Explain any five characteristics of the Silk Routes.


(i) The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world.  

(ii) They were spread over land and sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia and linking with Europe and Africa.  

(iii) They existed since before the Christian era and thrived almost till the 15th century.  

(iv) Indian and Chinese pottery, textiles and spices travelled to Europe.  

(v) In return, precious metals, gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia.  

(vi) Buddhism, Christian missionaries, and Muslim preachers also travelled through this route to Asia. 

Q. “Trade and cultural exchange always went hand in hand”. Explain the statement in the light of silk route. [Term-I, 2016-17, 2014] 


  • There were several silk routes over land and sea which helped in trade and cultural links between the different countries of the world especially Asia, North Africa and Europe.
  • The silk routes got their name due to the Chinese silk cargoes along these routes which were actively functional before the Christian era and up to the 15th century. Chinese pottery, Indian spices The Making of a Global World 83 and precious metals like gold and silver from Europe travelled through these silk routes.
  • These silk routes were also used for cultural exchange by Christian missionaries, Muslim preachers and the Buddhists.

Q. In what ways did food items offer scope for long distance cultural exchange? Explain. [Term-I, 2016-17] 


(i) Traders and travellers introduced new crops to the lands they travelled.  

(ii) It is believed that noodles travelled west from China to become spaghetti.  

(iii) Arabs traders took pasta to Sicily, an island now in Italy in the 5th century.  

(iv) Many of our common foods such as potatoes, soya, groundnut, maize, tomatoes, chillies, sweet potatoes and so on were not known to our ancestors. 

Q. Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonisation of the Americas? (2011)  

Ans. Global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonisation of the Americans:  

(i) America was not conquered and colonised by Europeans with the help of superior firepower alone.  

(ii) Germs, such as those of smallpox were helpful to a great extent.  

(iii) Americans had no immunity against them as a result of long isolation. Once introduced, the germs spread deep into the continent decimating whole communities and paving way for conquest. 

Q. Why did Europeans flee to America in the nineteenth century? Explain. [SQP-2020]  

Q. State three reasons why Europeans fled to America in the 19th century. [Term-I, 2013, 11] 

Ans. Europeans fled to America in the 19th century because:  

(i) Until the 19th century, poverty and hunger were common in Europe.  

(ii) Cities were crowded and deadly diseases were widespread.  

(iii) Religious conflicts were common and religious dissenters were persecuted.  

(iv) Scrapping of Corn Laws, led to the inability of British agriculture to compete with imports.  

(v) Thousands of people were left unemployed due to agricultural land lying uncultivated. So, people migrated in thousands, crossed oceans to find employment and a better future  

(vi) In America, plantations were growing cotton and sugar for the European market. These plantations were worked on by slaves. 

Q. Give three examples to show that the premodern world changed with the discovery of new sea routes to America. (Term-I 2012) 

Ans. A few examples are as follows:  

(i) Many common foods, e.g., potatoes, soya, tomatoes, maize, etc., were introduced to Europe from America. These crops made a difference between life and death. The poor began to eat better and live longer in England with the introduction of potatoes.  

(ii) Religious dissenters from Europe fled due to the fear of persecution in Europe and migrated to America.  

(iii) Slave trade was started. European traders captured slaves in Africa and took them to America where they worked on plantations. Europe became the centre of world trade.  

(iv) Precious metals, e.g., silver from mines located in present-day Peru and Mexico also enhanced Europe’s wealth and financed its trade. 

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