Nationalism in India Class 10 History Previous Years CBSE Extra Questions

Previous Years’ CBSE Questions

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The First World War and its Impact

Q. How had the ‘First World War’ created economic problems in India? Explain with examples. (2020, 19, 16)

Q. What was the impact of the first World War on India.? (2015, 2011)

Q. How did the WW1 create a new economic situation? Explain with three examples. (2003)


  • The war and its aftermath created favourable situation for mass struggle and played an important role in shaping India’s freedom struggle.
  • Increase in defence expenditure due to the war led to the increase in taxes, custom duties
  • Introduction of income tax
  • Prices increased doubling between 1913 and 1918
  • Extreme hardships, poverty and forced recruitments in the army raised anti-British feelings 
  • During 1918–19 and 1920–21, food shortages due to the failure of crops and famines and Influenza epidemics
  • Around 12 to 1 million people died as a result of epidemics and famines

After the war the British Government Proved a failure to address the above issues and people were ready to be led by a leader like Gandhiji who returned to India in 1915.


Q. Explain any four points about Gandhiji’s Satyagraha. (2008, 11)


Explain Gandhiji view on Satyagraha. Which quality of Mahatma Gandhi turned the freedom struggle into a mass movement? (2013)


Meaning – Emphasis on power of truth via non-violent methods 

  • It is a pure soul-force 
  • No need to use physical force if struggle is for a right cause and against injustice 
  • It does not advocate inflicting pain in the adversary  
  • No ill-will, vengeance to and destruction of the adversary 
  • Truth is a matter of persuasion and should not be forced upon adversary or any other
  • Truth is bound to ultimately triumph 
  • According to Gandhiji, dharma of non-violence could unite all Indians

Q. How did Gandhi apply the idea of Satyagraha in our country? (2013)

Q. Name the two main ‘Satyagraha Movements ‘organised by Mahatma Gandhiji successfully in favour of peasants in 1916 and 1917. (2008, 11)


After coming to India, Gandhiji (2 Oct, 1989 – 30 Jan, 1948) successfully three major movements before launching three big movements. 

  • Champaran Satyagraha 1916 – Gandhiji visited Champaran to lead the movement by peasants against the oppressive indigo plantations. In 1918 Champaran Agricultural Act tried to solve the problem 
  • Kheda Satyagraha – The crop failure and Bubonic plague caused hardships to peasants. They were demanding a revenue remission. Gandhi ji lead the movement there
  • Ahmedabad Mill Workers – Gandhiji led the textile worker movement against mill owners. There was a demand for 50% pay hike. Ultimately the mill owners decided to raise pay by 30 %.  

Rowlatt Act Satyagraha

Q. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to launch a nationwide ‘Satyagraha’ against the proposed ‘Rowlatt Act? Explain with three reasons. (2010, 14, 15)

Q. What was Rowlatt Act? How was it opposed by the people in India? Explain with examples. (2010, 11, 13)

Q. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act of 1919? How was it organized? Explain. [2017, 16, 15]


  • Rowlatt Act was Prepared by a committee under Sir Sidley Rowlatt
  • Despite opposition by Indian members, it was hurriedly passed through Imperial Legislative Council
  • It gave govt. enormous coercive power to contain increasing revolutionary activities
  • Arrests and detention of political prisoners without trial for two years
  • Restrictions on press and movement of persons suspected of anti-government activities

Reaction of the people or how the Rowlatt Act was opposed by people.

  • The undemocratic and authoritarian Law was denounced by people from all walks of life. 
  • Gandhiji called for ‘Rowlatt Satyagraha’ a non-violent civil Disobedience to the law. 
  • It was a first nationwide movement under Gandhiji 
  • On 6 April a mighty Hartal was proposed against proposed Rowlatt Act
  • Rallies were organised in various cities 
  • Workers went on strike in railway workshops 
  • Shops closed down

Organisation of Rowlatt satyagraha:

(i) Mahatma Gandhi wanted non-violent civil disobedience against, such unjust laws.
(ii) It was started with a “Hartal’ on 6th April.
(iii) Rallies were organized in various cities.
(iv) Workers went on strike in railway workshops.
(v) Shops were closed down

Q. What did British do to repress the Rowlatt Satyagrahis? (2016)

Ans. The British decided to clamp them down.

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Q. Describe the incident and impact of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. (SQP 2020-21, CBSE 2015, 14, 12)


The people were protesting against the repressive measures adopted by govt. In the meanwhile, the Jallianwala Bagh incident took place.

  • It was an enclosed area with only one point of entry and exit
  • A large crowd had gathered there for Baisakhi celebrations
  • Some had come to show their protests against govt’s repressive measures
  • Many villagers were not aware of propitiatory orders under martial law
  • Gen Dyer entered the area, blocked the exit and ordered for firing without any warning
  • It was an intentional massacre killing hundreds and wounding thousands
  • Gen Dyer shamelessly declared his object as to ‘produce a moral force’ in the form of awe and terror in the minds of Satyagrahis.

Impact of the Jallianwala Bagh Incident

  • Crowds took to streets
  • Incidents of strikes, clashes and attacks on govt. buildings
  • The govt resorted to brutal repression inflicting pain and atrocities on people
  • Satyagrahis were humiliated – they were forced to rub nose on ground, crawl on the streets, do salaam to all Sahibs
  • Flogging of villagers
  • Bombing of villages (around Gujranwala in Punjab)
  • Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood title
  • Seeing the violence spread Gandhiji called off the movement

Khilafat Movement

Q. Why did Mahatma Gandhi support Khilafat movement? (2011, 2012, 14)

Q. Who launched the Khilafat movement? Why was the movement launched? (2011, 12)

Q. Explain the issue behind the Khilafat movement. (2014)


Causes of Khilafat Movement
  • Ottoman Turkey was defeated in the first World War
  • It was a rumour that a harsh treaty was going to dismember Turkey
  • The Islamic spiritual head ‘Khalifa’ the Sultan of Ottoman Empire was to be removed
  • All this agitated Muslims in India also
  • They defended the temporal powers of Khalifa and wanted to keep it intact
Formation of Khilafat Committee
  • It was formed in Bombay in March 1919
  • Ali Brothers (Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Ali), Maulana Azad, Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohini were its founding members
Gandhiji’s Support to Khilafat issue
  • Gandhiji felt the need to launch a more broad-based movement in India with Hindus and Muslims together
  • Khilafat appeared to be a golden opportunity to cement Hindu-Muslim unity and to bring Muslims under the umbrella of a unified national Movement
  • Gandhiji also became a president of Khilafat Committee.
  • Ali Brothers talked to Gandhiji on the possibility of any unified mass action
  • At Calcutta Congress session (1920), Gandhiji convinced other leaders on the issue of Non-cooperation Movement in favour of Khilafat and Swaraj.

Non-Cooperation Movement

Q. What were the reasons or why did Gandhiji launch Non-cooperation movement? (SQP 2020-21, 17, 15,12, 08)


Causes or reasons

  • Rowlatt Act  
  • Jallianwala Bagh Incident
  • Khilafat Issue

Q. “British rule in India would have collapsed if Indians had not cooperated”. How did this statement help in starting mass movement in India against the British rule? (2015)


Gandhiji’s had said – ‘ If Indians refused to cooperate, British rule in India would collapse within a year, and swaraj would come ‘ (Book- Hind Swaraj)

  • Gandhiji supported the Khilafat issue to bring Muslims and Hindus together under one umbrella.
  • Through the Summer of 1920 Mahatma Gandhi and Shaukat Ali toured extensively to garner support for a unified mass movement
  • At Congress Nagpur session (Dec, 1920) a Non-cooperation programme was adopted.
  • The Non-cooperation-Khilafat Movement began in January ,1920.

Q. Discuss the various stages of Non-Cooperation of Non-cooperation Movement. (2016)

Q. Mention three main proposals, with reference to the non-cooperation-movement. (2008)


Gandhiji proposed that the non-cooperation movement should start in stages:

First stage- Surrender of titles and awards

Second stage- Boycott of civil services, army, police, courts and legislative Councils, school, and foreign goods were burnt in huge bonfires.

Third Stage– If govt resorted to repressive measures the Movement was to turn into full civil disobedience campaign.  

Q. Describe briefly any three economic effects of the Non-cooperation Movement. (2008, 09, 11, 12)


Economic Impact of the non-Cooperation Movement

  • Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed.
  • The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921 and 1922. Value of import dropped from ₹102 crores to ₹57 crores.
  • Merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade Production of India textile mills and handlooms went up.

Q. Give three reasons behind slowing down of Non-cooperation Movement (2011, 12, 15)


Reasons behind slowing down of the Non-Cooperation Movement.

  • It was difficult for the poor people to afford Khadi because it was more expensive than Mill produced cloth.
  • In the absence of sufficient alternative Indian Institutions, students and teachers began to resume at their old working places
  • The same applied to the lawyers who resumed their work in the govt courts.

Q. Why did Gandhiji decide to withdraw the Non-cooperation Movement in February,1922? Explain any three reasons. (CBSE 2021-22, 2016)


Reasons behind calling off the Non-cooperation Movement

  • The movement had turned violent.
  • The immediate cause was the Chauri Chaura incident in Gorakhpur. On February 5, 1922 police fired at the people who are agitating in favour of Non-cooperation Movement. The people rebelled against the police and burnt the police station. As a result, 22 policemen were died
  • Gandhiji withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement on 12 February, 1922.

Q. How did the Non-cooperation movement spread in cities across the country? Explain its effects on the economic front. (2018, 15)


Spread of non-cooperation movement in cities

  • In cities middle-class participation led the movement
  • Students left govt schools
  • Teachers resigned
  • Lawyers left their legal practices        
  • The council elections were boycotted except by Justice Party in Madras.  (The party comprised non-Brahmans) 
  • But the movement slowed down with time.

Economic Impact

  •  Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed.
  • The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921 and 1922. Value of import dropped from ₹102 crores to ₹57 
  • Merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade Production of India textile mills and handlooms went up

Q. How could Non-Cooperation become a movement? Give your opinion. (2015, 14, 12)

Ans. Non-Cooperation became a movement:

(i) It was the view of Gandhiji that the British rule was set in India with the cooperation of Indians.

(ii) If Indians refused cooperation, British rule in India would collapse within a year and Swaraj would come.

(iii) Gandhiji proposed that the movement should unfold in stages.

(iv) In case the government used repression, a full civil disobedience campaign would be launched.

(v) Mahatma Gandhi and Shaukat Ali toured extensively, mobilising popular support of the movement.

Awadh Peasants – Spread of Movement in Countryside

Q. Describe the spread of Non-Cooperation Movement in the countryside. (2015)

Ans. Non-Cooperation Movement spread in the countryside:

(i) Awadh peasants were led by Baba Ramchandra. Here the movement was against talukdars and landlords who demanded from peasants exorbitantly high rents and a variety of other cesses.

(ii) Peasants had to do begar and work at landlord’s farms without any payments. As tenants they had no security of tenure and were regularly evicted so that have no right over the leased land.

(iii) The Peasant Movement demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of begar and social boycott of oppression landlords.

(iv) In the meantime, Jawaharlal Nehru began going around the villages in Awadh. The Awadh Kisan Sabha was set up in the villages. The peasant movement, however, developed in forms that the Congress leadership was unhappy with.

(v) As the movement spread, the houses of talukdars and merchants were attacked: bazaars were looted and grain hoards were taken over.

Q. Describe any three major problems faced by the peasants of Awadh in the days of Non-cooperation movement. (2015 ,16)


A sanyasi Baba Ramchandra led the movement. He was a Fiji returned. He had gone there as indentured labour but returned to India.

Problems of Peasants

  • Talukdars and land lords demand high rent
  • Begar had to be done (👉 Begar- work without payment)
  • No security of tenancy tenure
  • They had no rights over leased-land and were regularly evicted

Demands of the peasants

  • Reduction in revenue
  • Abolition of begar
  • Boycott of oppressive land lords (Nai-Dhobi band organised by panchayats to support peasants

Q. How did the peasants of Awadh use different methods to achieve their goal? Explain with examples. (2014)


Oudh Kisan Sabhas

  • Such Oudh Kisan Sabhas were organised by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1920. The aim was to integrate farmers with Non-cooperation Movement.   
  • Over 300 came to be set up within a month.
  • But the peasants indulged in violent and disruptive activities- looting bazaar, attacking merchants, taking over hoarded grains. They used the name of Mahatma Gandhi to justify Their stands.

Gudem Hills Rebellion and Alluri Sitaram Raju

Q. Describe the role of Alluri Sitaram Raju in Andhra Pradesh during 1920s. [2019]

Q. Who was Alluri Sitaram Raju? Explain the role played by tribal peasants in the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh during the non-cooperation movement. (2012)

Q. Analyse any four features of Gudem rebellion of Andhra Pradesh. (2011)


Tribal peasants’ revolt

  • In early 1920, a tribal revolt spread in the Gudem Hills in Andhra Pradesh.
  • The revolt was against the forest policy of the British Their traditional rights and livelihood were affected.
  • Alluri Siataram Raju was their leader. He was inspired by Gandhiji but thought Violence necessary to liberate India. The rebels proclaimed him as an incarnation of God.
  • He used guerrilla warfare for achieving swaraj. His followers followed him and attacked Police stations, British officials through gorillas -warfare.
Alluri Sitaram Raju- Tribal considered him an incarnation of God. He claimed to have special powers to heal, make astrological predictions, and even face bullets. He was inspired by Gandhiji. He urged his followers to wear Khadi and give up drinking. But he differed from Gandhiji and approved over violent methods to liberate India. He was captured and executed in 1924 but after death he became talk of every home and became a folklore
Short Note on Alluri Sitaram Raju

Q. “The plantation workers in Assam had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and the notion of Swaraj”. Support the statement with arguments. (2016)

Q. Explain the response of the plantation workers to the Non-Cooperation Movement? What did freedom mean to them? (2016)

Q. What was the notion of swaraj for the plantation workers in Assam? (2008)


Plantation workers of Assam

Under the Inland Emigration Act 1859, the workers were not allowed to leave tea garden without permission. Rarely such permissions were ever given.

Idea of Swaraj for plantation workers meant- right to freedom of movement out of their confined premises.  It also meant that they could go home. They believed Gandhi Raj would give them land in their villages.

  • Following their notion of swaraj they defied the authorities, came out of gardens and left for home
  • But they could not reach home
  • They got stranded because of strikes of Railways and steamers
  • All were caught and brutally beaten up.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Rudra Pratap Singh

    Sir ye Questions ka Sai answer sir
    Q. 1= Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans? ______CBSC_2015

  2. Khushi verma

    That is really good 👍😊 thanks alot

    1. Ish

      Thank you ☺️

  3. Pro gamer

    u should start dancing RIGHT NOW

  4. Pro gamer

    if ur reading this right now then SMILE

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